Spirit System

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Spirit System is a special hatching for Digimon. This system unlocks Spirit Digimon. You need a Spirit Summon Card.png Spirit summon card, that can be dropped by any Digimon of the same elemental attribute as the Spirit. Once summoned and defeated, it will drop you a Spirit Item. (For example: You can get a Spirit of Fire H after defeating the Agnimon summoned with the Agnimon summon card item). Take it to Bokomon (NPC) in Dats Center. The dropped Spirit Item and 1 Bokomon's Book of Knowledge.png Bokomon's Book of Knowledge (Found in the Cash Shop) are required to hatch Spirit Digimon. Spirit Digimon take up one Digimon Archive slot each and they are "hatched" as 3/5 Digimon.

Also, if you get a Spirit Digimon to level 100, you can take it back to Bokomon to obtain a Spirit of Shining <Elemental Attribute> <H/B>) item, and the Digimon will be permanently deleted in the process. This will cost you 500Currency Mega.png. The Shining Spirits are required to break the seal of higher Hybrid forms. To unlock a Hyper Spirit Evolution, you need 10 Shining Spirits <Elemental Attribute> <H/B> related plus 1Currency Tera.png. Hyper Spirits are also "hatched" as 3/5 Digimon.

There is also an ultimate spirit form called Ancient Spirit. In DMO, in order to unlock this Ancient Spirit, you must unlock the two Hyper Spirits and level up them to Lv99. After that, a jogress quest will be unlocked at Bokomon and you will be able to digivolve into the Ancient Spirit after finishing that(Requires Tamer Lv90).

Spirit Digimon can be obtained at Bokomon (NPC).

  • Spirit of Shining items are tradeable.
  • Hyper Spirits Digimon are classified as Category:Digimon Rank S+, being strong burst modes.
  • Ancient Spirit is the jogress between the two Hyper Spirits, creating Susanoomon.

Important Notes

You can change the Spirit Digimon's size using their own special fruits:

  • Fruit of Champion: Changes size from 85.00% ~ 130.00% randomly
  • Fruit of Overload: Changes size from 115.00% ~ 130.00% randomly
  • Fruit of Genesis: Changes size from 121.00% ~ 130.00% randomly

Spirit Digimon

Spirit Item Digimon Spirit of Shining Item
Spirit of Fire H.png Spirit of Fire H Agnimon Icon.png Agnimon Spirit of Shining Fire H.png Spirit of Shining Fire H
Spirit of Fire B.png Spirit of Fire B BurningGreymon Icon.png Vritramon Spirit of Shining Fire B.png Spirit of Shining Fire B
Spirit of Wind H.png Spirit of Wind H Kazemon Icon.png Fairimon Spirit of Shining Wind H.png Spirit of Shining Wind H
Spirit of Wind B.png Spirit of Wind B Zephyrmon Icon.png Shutsmon Spirit of Shining Wind B.png Spirit of Shining Wind B
Spirit of Ice H.png Spirit of Ice H Kumamon Icon.png Chakkumon Spirit of Shining Ice H.png Spirit of Shining Ice H
Spirit of Ice B.png Spirit of Ice B Korikakumon Icon.png Blizzarmon Spirit of Shining Ice B.png Spirit of Shining Ice B
Spirit of Wood H.png Spirit of Wood H Arbormon Icon.png Arbormon Spirit of Shining Wood H.png Spirit of Shining Wood H
Spirit of Wood B.png Spirit of Wood B Petaldramon Icon.png Petaldramon Spirit of Shining Wood B.png Spirit of Shining Wood B
Spirit of Land H.png Spirit of Earth H Grumblemon Icon.png Grotmon Spirit of Shining Land H.png Spirit of Shining Earth H
Spirit of Land B.png Spirit of Earth B Gigasmon Icon.png Gigasmon Spirit of Shining Land B.png Spirit of Shining Earth B
Spirit of Shining Fire H.pngSpirit of Shining Fire B.png
Spirit of Shining Wind H.pngSpirit of Shining Wind B.png
Spirit of Shining Ice H.pngSpirit of Shining Ice B.png
Spirit of Shining Wood H.pngSpirit of Shining Wood B.png
Spirit of Shining Land H.pngSpirit of Shining Land B.png
Spirit of Shining
Fire, Wind,
Ice, Wood,
Earth H&B
KaizerGreymon Icon.png KaiserGreymon Hyper Spirit form
Spirit of Light H.png Spirit of Light H Wolfmon Icon.png Wolfmon Spirit of Shining Light H.png Spirit of Shining Light H
Spirit of Light B.png Spirit of Light B KendoGarurumon Icon.png Garmmon Spirit of Shining Light B.png Spirit of Shining Light B
Spirit of Thunder H.png Spirit of Thunder H Beetlemon Icon.png Blitzmon Spirit of Shining Thunder H.png Spirit of Shining Thunder H
Spirit of Thunder B.png Spirit of Thunder B MetalKabuterimon Icon.png Bolgmon Spirit of Shining Thunder B.png Spirit of Shining Thunder B
Spirit of Water H.png Spirit of Water H Ranamon Icon.png Ranamon Spirit of Shining Water H.png Spirit of Shining Water H
Spirit of Water B.png Spirit of Water B Calmaramon Icon.png Calmaramon Spirit of Shining Water B.png Spirit of Shining Water B
Spirit of Darkness H.png Spirit of Darkness H Löwemon Icon.png Löwemon Spirit of Shining Darkness H.png Spirit of Shining Darkness H
Spirit of Darkness B.png Spirit of Darkness B KaiserLeomon Icon.png KaiserLeomon Spirit of Shining Darkness B.png Spirit of Shining Darkness B
Spirit of Steel H.png Spirit of Steel H Mercuremon Icon.png Mercuremon Spirit of Shining Steel H.png Spirit of Shining Steel H
Spirit of Steel B.png Spirit of Steel B Sefirotmon Icon.png Sefirotmon Spirit of Shining Steel B.png Spirit of Shining Steel B
Spirit of Shining Light H.pngSpirit of Shining Light B.png
Spirit of Shining Thunder H.pngSpirit of Shining Thunder B.png
Spirit of Shining Water H.pngSpirit of Shining Water B.png
Spirit of Shining Darkness H.pngSpirit of Shining Darkness B.png
Spirit of Shining Steel H.pngSpirit of Shining Steel B.png
Spirit of Shining
Light, Thunder,
Water, Darkness,
Steel H&B
MagnaGarurumon Icon.png MagnaGarurumon Hyper Spirit form
KaiserGreymon Icon.png
MagnaGarurumon Icon.png
KaiserGreymon and
MagnaGarurumon Lv99
Susanoomon Icon.png Susanoomon Ancient Spirit form