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(ラーナモン Lanamon)
Form: H-Hybrid
Attribute: None: None
Element: Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) Water
Attacker Type: Quick Attacker
Type: Fairy Digimon
Family: Deep Savers Icon.png Deep Savers

Ranamon is a Fairy Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Rana" (Lat: Frog). A Digimon that possesses power of water, which bears the might of legendary Ten Warriors. It has severe mood swings. When it is in good mood, it becomes like elegant lady, however when it is in bad mood, it becomes like newborn baby. Main battle style is indirect attack with water.


Info.png Note: Spirits do not Digivolve, they have their own unique improvement system.

Ranamon Icon.png

Default Stats

Exclamation Mark.png Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 120

Digimon Status.png

DGStats.png Digimon Stats
HP1.png Health Points 2661
DS1.png Digi-Soul 1209
AT1.png Attack 1152
AS1.png Attack Speed 1.99
CT1.png Critical Hit 18.58%
HT1.png Hit Rate 487
DE1.png Defense 80
EV1.png Evade 23.9%


Skill Status.png
Rain Stream Water Water attribute 4 seconds cooldown 80 DS consumed ? skill points per upgrade 2.3 seconds animation
  Lanamon gives damage to the enemy with water dousing.
Aqua Needle

Water Water attribute

8 seconds cooldown 198 DS consumed ? skill points per upgrade 3.0 seconds animation
Lanamon creates water pillar to give damages.

Info.png Note: Value Point gives you a rough sketch of best skill to max (Higher the better)

Attack per lvl Lv.1 Lv.10 Lv.15 Lv.20 Lv.25 Value Point
Rain Stream.png Rain Stream 58 1707 2229 2519 2809 3099 3.63
Aqua Needle.png Aqua Needle 103 3369 4296 4811 5326 5841 4.29
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
Rain Stream.png Rain Stream 1707 1765 1823 1881 1939 1997 2055 2113 2171 2229 2287 2345 2403 2461 2519 2577 2635 2693 2751 2809 2867 2925 2983 3041 3099
Aqua Needle.png Aqua Needle 3369 3472 3575 3678 3781 3884 3987 4090 4193 4296 4399 4502 4605 4708 4811 4914 5017 5120 5223 5326 5429 5532 5635 5738 5841


Ranamon DS Hatch.png

See also

Spirit System