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Variant is an extraordinary type of Digimon that can be unlocked through special methods.

  • In DMO, Fatigue prevented Variants from being useful in any form of way unless you payed for specific items, but in DMW, Fatigue was removed.
  • Due to this, Variants have more viability in the game and can be used at anytime, no longer hindered by the Fatigue system in DMO.

You can unlock Variant Digimon through the White-bearded Guru <Extraordinary Evolution> NPC in Dats Center.

Variant.png Variant

List of available Variant Digimon

Icon Digimon Rank Attribute Element How to Unlock
Apocalymon (Psychic) Icon.png Apocalymon (Psychic) Variant.png SS.png Unknown Attribute.png Unknown Pitch Black.png Pitch Black Guide:Apocalymon (Psychic)
Armageddemon Icon.png Armageddemon (Conflation) Variant.png SS+.png Unknown Attribute.png Unknown Pitch Black.png Pitch Black Guide:Armageddmon (Conflation)
Ogudomon Icon.png Ogudomon Variant.png SSS.png Virus.png Virus Pitch Black.png Pitch Black Guide:Ogudomon


  • Variant Digimon can only use the weaker version of Memory Skills (Level 1-3) obtained from Skill Memory Cube.
  • Variant Digimon are considered Hatch Level 3/5, but there are special fruits that can be used exclusively on them.
Icon Item Name Effect Obtain
Fruit of Hades.png Fruit of Hades The Digimon size randomly changes between 85% ~ 130%. Cash Shop
Fruit of Darkness.png Fruit of Darkness The Digimon size randomly changes between 115% ~ 130%. Arena Exchange
Fruit of Chaos.png Fruit of Chaos The Digimon size randomly changes between 121% ~ 130%. Arena Exchange