Colosseum Stadium

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Colosseum Stadium02.png
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Colosseum Stadium.png
About this image

The Colosseum Stadium is a perfect stage for Digimon Arena.

Digimon Arena

The arena is located within the DATS Center near Yukaridramon and Chuchidarumon, but the map is in Western Village.

Guide to Digimon Arena

  • Tamer level must be 10+ to participate.
  • You can obtain Digimon Arena Admission.png Digimon Arena Admission Tickets by speaking to Miki Kurosaki.
  • Digimon Arena Admission.png Digimon Arena Admission Tickets last one day, and are deleted if they are not used within the same day you get them.
  • Only the Party Leader is able to start or finish the battle in Digimon Arena.
  • You obtain Battle Points for each stage of the Digimon Arena that you complete.
  • Battle Points can be invested through the NPC Board in DATS Center, and you can receive rewards according to the number of points invested.
  • Once you start, you can't change between Normal Mode or Hero Mode.
  • There are 40 levels in Normal Mode and 20 in Hero Mode.
  • The monsters you face are the same, whether you enter Solo or as a Team.
  • Hero Mode has much higher difficulty than Normal Mode, but you can obtain more Battle Points.
  • The opponents from each level will gradually get stronger, as battle points per level will increase.

Related NPCs

  • Miki Kurosaki: You can enter [Digimon Arena] through her.
  • Board: You can invest your [Battle Point] on Board to claim your rewards.
  • Mary: You can begin, continue challenges or leave Digimon Arena through her.

Ranking System

When you invest the Battle Points, you can obtain daily reward and will be registered in Weekly Ranking / Monthly Ranking / Seasonal Ranking.
The ranks will be refreshed periodically and you can check rank, guild, tamer name, changes, current rank reward.
When there are tamers with same amount of Battle Points, the first one to invest the Points will be in the lead of rank.
When the Ranking is refreshed, you can also check last week, last month, and last season's ranking.

Weekly Ranking

You can receive [Weekly] Arena Vouchers regarding to your rank of Weekly Ranking. Arena Vouchers can be exchanged to reward items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
Weekly Ranking expires every Monday, and will be refreshed at 14:00 of every Tuesday.

Weekly Arena Voucher List

Amount Weekly Ranking
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×100 1st Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×90 2nd Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×85 3rd Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×80 4th ~ 5th Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×75 6th ~ 10th Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×50 11th ~ 10% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×40 10% ~ 20% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×30 20% ~ 30% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×15 30% ~ 40% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×10 40% ~ 50% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×7 50% ~ 60% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×5 60% ~ 70% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×3 70% ~ 80% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×2 80% ~ 90% Rank
-Weekly- Arena Voucher.png [Weekly] Arena Voucher ×1 90% ~ 100% Rank

Round Rewards Colosseum Normal Mode

Round Earned Lost Total
1st Round 1 0 1
2nd Round 1 1 2
3rd Round 1 1 3
4th Round 1 1 4
5th Round 1 1 5
6th Round 1 1 6
7th Round 2 2 8
8th Round 2 3 10
9th Round 2 3 12
10th Round 2 3 14
11th Round 2 3 16
12th Round 2 3 18
13th Round 3 4 21
14th Round 3 5 24
15th Round 3 5 27
16th Round 3 5 30
17th Round 3 5 33
18th Round 3 5 36
19th Round 4 6 40
20th Round 5 8 45
21st Round 7 11 52
22nd Round 8 14 60
23rd Round 11 18 71
24th Round 13 23 84
25th Round 16 28 100
26th Round 20 35 120
27th Round 24 43 144
28th Round 28 51 172
29th Round 34 61 206
30th Round 39 72 245
31st Round 46 84 291
32nd Round 52 97 343
33rd Round 60 111 403
34th Round 68 127 471
35th Round 76 143 547
36th Round 85 160 632
37th Round 95 179 727
38th Round 104 198 831
39th Round 115 218 946
40th Round 126 240 1072
Round Rewards Colosseum Normal Mode
Round Earned Lost Total Round Boss Round Earned Lost Total Round Boss
1st Round 1 0 1 Biyomon Icon.png Biyomon / Palmon Icon.png Palmon 21th Round 7 11 52 Meramon Icon.png Meramon
2nd Round 1 1 2 Biyomon Icon.png Biyomon & Tentomon Icon.png Tentomon / Palmon Icon.png Palmon 22st Round 8 14 60 Monochromon Icon.png Monochromon
3rd Round 1 1 3 Renamon Icon.png Renamon & Guilmon Icon.png Guilmon 23nd Round 11 18 71 Leomon Icon.png Leomon
4th Round 1 1 4 Bearmon Icon.png Bearmon / Hagurumon Icon.png Hagurumon & Otamamon Icon.png Otamamon 24nd Round 13 23 84 Ogremon Icon.png Ogremon
5th Round 1 1 5 Keramon Icon.png Keramon & PawnChessmon (Black) Icon.png Pawnchessmon Black / PawnChessmon (White) Icon.png Pawnchessmon White 25nd Round 16 28 100 Devimon Icon.png Devimon
6th Round 1 1 6 Goblimon Icon.png Goblimon / Drimogemon Icon.png Drimogemon & Sharmamon Icon.png Sharmamon 26nd Round 20 35 120 Etemon Icon.png Etemon & SkullGreymon Icon.png SkullGreymon
7th Round 2 2 8 Hawkmon Icon.png Hawkmon / Wormmon Icon.png Wormmon & Armadillomon Icon.png Armadillomon 27nd Round 24 43 144 Antylamon Icon.png Antylamon / Majiramon Icon.png Majiramon
8th Round 2 3 10 Kotemon Icon.png Kotemon / Candlemon Icon.png Candlemon 28nd Round 28 51 172 Diablomon Icon.png Diaboromon
9th Round 2 3 12 Salamon Icon.png Salamon & Patamon Icon.png Patamon / Gabumon Icon.png Gabumon 29nd Round 34 61 206 Etemon Icon.png Etemon & Datamon Icon.png Nanomon
10th Round 2 3 14 Devimon Icon.png Devimon (Secret Boss: ToyAgumon (Rookie) Icon.png ToyAgumon) 30nd Round 39 72 245 Devimon Icon.png Devimon
11th Round 2 3 16 Birdramon Icon.png Birdramon & Kabuterimon Icon.png Kabuterimon / Togemon Icon.png Togemon 31nd Round 46 84 291 Mammothmon Icon.png Mammothmon & Aquilamon Icon.png Aquilamon
12th Round 2 3 18 Monodramon Icon.png Monodramon & Datamon Icon.png Nanomon 32nd Round 52 97 343 Phantomon Icon.png Phantomon & Raremon Icon.png Raremon
13th Round 3 4 21 Angemon Icon.png Angemon / Angewomon Icon.png Angewomon 33nd Round 60 111 403 Okuwamon Icon.png Okuwamon & Groundramon Icon.png Groundramon
14th Round 3 5 24 Greymon Icon.png Greymon / Garurumon Icon.png Garurumon 34nd Round 68 127 471 Myotismon Icon.png Myotismon & DarkTyrannomon Icon.png DarkTyranomon
15th Round 3 5 27 Etemon Icon.png Etemon & 4x Gazimon Icon.png Gazimon 35nd Round 76 143 547 Dexmon Icon.png Dexmon
16th Round 3 5 30 Garudamon Icon.png Garudamon / MegaKabuterimon Icon.png MegaKabuterimon & Lillymon Icon.png Lilymon 36nd Round 85 160 632 Ebonwumon (Champion) Icon.png Xuanwumon
17th Round 3 5 33 Devidramon Icon.png Devidramon / Bakemon Icon.png Bakemon 37nd Round 95 179 727 Zhuqiaomon (Champion) Icon.png Zhuqiamon
18th Round 3 5 36 Kimeramon Icon.png Chimairamon 38nd Round 104 198 831 Azulongmon (Champion) Icon.png Qinglongmon
19th Round 4 6 40 SkullMeramon Icon.png SkullMeramon & 4x Meramon Icon.png Meramon 39nd Round 115 218 946 Baihumon (Champion) Icon.png Baihumon
20th Round 5 8 45 Kuwagamon Icon.png Kuwagamon (Secret Boss: ToyAgumon (Rookie) Icon.png ToyAgumon) 40nd Round 126 240 1072 Fanglongmon Icon.png Fanglongmon (Secret Boss:ToyAgumon (Rookie) Icon.png ToyAgumon)

Round Rewards Colosseum Hero Mode

Round Earned Lost Total
1st Round 76 0 76
2nd Round 84 0 160
3rd Round 94 0 254
4th Round 104 0 358
5th Round 153 0 511
6th Round 118 0 629
7th Round 135 0 764
8th Round 152 0 916
9th Round 171 0 1087
10th Round 243 0 1330

Exclamation Mark.png Note: On Hero mode losing round don't cause point lose

Monthly Ranking

You can receive [Monthly] Arena Vouchers regarding to your rank of Monthly Ranking. Arena Vouchers can be exchanged to reward items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
Monthly Ranking expires at every last day of month, and will be refreshed at 14:00 of every first day of month.

Season Ranking

You can receive [Seasonal] Arena Vouchers regarding to your rank of Seasonal Ranking. Arena Vouchers can be exchanged to reward items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
Seasonal Ranking expires at every last day of Season, and will be refreshed at 14:00 of day next month.

Hall of Fame

Top rank tamers at every end of Season will be recorded in Hall of Fame.
The tamer name and guild name recorded in Hall of Fame will not be changed.
The top rank tamers in Hall of Fame will have their duplicate image on the podium in DATS Center until the beginning of next Season.

  • Starting and ending of each Ranking can be changed regarding to the service conditions.


Digimon Arena - Season 1