Guide:Omegamon Zwart

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-[ Omegamon Zwart Jogress Guide ]-


- Lv 70+ Agumon (Black)
- Lv 70+ Gabumon (Black)
- Lv 70+ Tamer (Royal knights/Omnimon Summon)

Pick up their quests from Calumon <Jogress> at DATS Center

Agumon (Black)'s quests

1. Talk to Akihiro Kurata NPC at Yokohama Village map.
2. Kill 20 Dokugumons at Lost Historic Site map.
3. Talk to BlackWarGreymon NPC at Lost Historic Site map.
4. Kill 20 Crowmon at File Island Waterfront map.
5. Talk to Akihiro Kurata NPC at Yokohama Village map.
6. Talk to Murmukusmon NPC at Wind Valley map.

Gabumon (Black)'s quests

1. Talk to Digimon Kaiser Emperor NPC at Dark Tower Wasteland map.
2. Kill 20 Rockmons at Digimon Maze Entrance map.
3. Talk to MetalGarurumon (Black) NPC at Digimon Maze Entrance map.
4. Kill 20 Psychemons at Server Continent Canyon map.
5. Talk to Digimon Kaiser Emperor NPC at Dark Tower Wasteland map
6. Talk to Murmukusmon NPC at Wind Valley map.
7. Murmukusmon NPC will give you a summon card. You need to summon it at D-Terminal Underground Summon Square map. Kill the Omegamon boss that will be spawnned.
8. Talk to Omegamon NPC at DATS Center map.

- Omegamon NPC will now have one quest for Agumon (Black) and Gabumon (Black) each.
- Agumon (Black)'s quest will require 3x Light Attribute and 3x Vaccine Attribute.
- Gabumon (Black)'s quest will require 3x Light Attribute and 3x Data Attribute.
  • Note: you can get the attributes by extracting them from your digimon or buying them from other players.
Complete both quests by talking to Calumon NPC at DATS Center map and delivering him the attributes from the quests.