Wind Valley

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Wilderness AreaRuined HistoricWind Valley.png
About this image
Digimon Maze B1Digimon Maze EntranceInfinite Mountain Dungeon 2.0Dark Tower WastelandWestern Area: WestWestern VillageWestern Area: OutskirtsWestern Area: EastWilderness AreaDigimon FarmWind ValleyRuined HistoricWorld Map Western Village.png
About this image

A wasteland with strong winds. On all maps from all Digimon you can obtain Memory Chip.png, Arcane Double-core and Arcane Tri-core.

Wild Digimon

Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Doggymon Search Icon.png
1251 ? Data: strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Data Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) Pitch Black Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Doggymon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png

Title Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Doggymon Search Icon.png
1501 ? Data: strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Data Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) Pitch Black Aggressive monsters attack you first. Doggymon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png
Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Wizardmon Search Icon.png
1251 ? Data: strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Data Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) Pitch Black Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Candlemon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png

Title Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Wizardmon Search Icon.png
1501 ? Data: strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Data Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) Pitch Black Aggressive monsters attack you first. Candlemon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png
Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Icemon Search Icon.png
1400 ? Data: strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Data Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) Ice Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Gotsumon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png

Title Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Icemon Search Icon.png
1680 ? Data: strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Data Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) Ice Aggressive monsters attack you first. Gotsumon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png
Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Garurumon Search Icon.png
1430 ? Vaccine: strong against Virus - weak against Data Vaccine Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) Ice Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Gabumon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png

Title Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Garurumon Search Icon.png
1716 ? Vaccine: strong against Virus - weak against Data Vaccine Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) Ice Aggressive monsters attack you first. Gabumon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png
Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Gladimon Search Icon.png
1430 ? Vaccine: strong against Virus - weak against Data Vaccine Steel: is strong against Light (× 25) - weak against Thunder (× -25) - somewhat strong against Steel (× 10) Steel Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Kotemon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png

Title Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Gladimon Search Icon.png
1716 ? Vaccine: strong against Virus - weak against Data Vaccine Steel: is strong against Light (× 25) - weak against Thunder (× -25) - somewhat strong against Steel (× 10) Steel Aggressive monsters attack you first. Kotemon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png
Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Kyuubimon Search Icon.png
1530 ? data: data Fire: is strong against Ice (× 25) - weak against Water (× -25) - somewhat strong against Fire (× 10) Fire Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Renamon Egg Refund Amount ? Renamon Seal Rank 1 Low Class Seal Exchange Ticket.png Money.png

Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
SealsDramon Search Icon.png
1430 ? Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus Steel: is strong against Light (× 25) - weak against Thunder (× -25) - somewhat strong against Steel (× 10) Steel Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Commandramon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png

Title Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
SealsDramon Search Icon.png
1716 ? Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus Steel: is strong against Light (× 25) - weak against Thunder (× -25) - somewhat strong against Steel (× 10) Steel Aggressive monsters attack you first. Commandramon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class Money.png
Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
IceDevimon Search Icon.png
1365 ? Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) Ice Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first DemiDevimon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class

Title Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
IceDevimon Search Icon.png
1638 ? Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) Ice Aggressive monsters attack you first. DemiDevimon Egg Refund Amount ? Rank 1 Low Class
Title Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
Leomon Search Icon.png
1380 ? Vaccine: strong against Virus - weak against Data Vaccine Fire: is strong against Ice (× 25) - weak against Water (× -25) - somewhat strong against Fire (× 10) Fire Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Elecmon Egg Refund Amount ? Leomon Seal Rank 1 Low Class Seal Exchange Ticket.png Money.png


  • Only the most relevant NPCs are displayed.
PawnChessmon W Icon.png Pawnchessmon W <DATS Member>
PawnChessmon B Icon.png Pawnchessmon B <Warehouse>
DigimonArchive Icon.png DigimonArchive <DATS>