Fanglongmon's Blessing Box

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Fanglongmon's Blessing Box.png Fanglongmon's Blessing Box

KindContainer Item
ClassEpic item Item

Open to receive randomly a Blessing of Fanglongmon (3%-5%-10%-100%)

Once opened you will recieve 1 of 4 different Items:

  • Blessing3 5.png Fanglongmon's Blessing [3%]
  • Blessing3 5.png Fanglongmon's Blessing [5%]
  • Blessing10.png Fanglongmon's Blessing [10%]
  • Blessing100.png Fanglongmon's Blessing [100%]

It's used for the Fanglongmon's Ancient Gear crafting and will increase the crafting chance by the said percent. It will be consumed whether it was successful or failed.
