Zhuqiaomon (Raid)

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Zhuqiaomon (Raid)

Informations about Zhuqiaomon (Raid)

  • Zhuqiaomon (Raid) has about 6.000.000 HP.
  • Zhuqiaomon (Raid) is level 99.
  • Time limit for killing it is 7 minutes.
  • This raid use 4 skill:
    • Burn, burn and burn! (Average circle AoE skill)
      • Players in the circle will be damaged.
      • 100%~80% HP, deals 3.000 damage.
      • Cooldown: 15 seconds.
    • I will torch you. (Average circle AoE skill)
      • Players in the circle will be damaged.
      • 100%~80% HP, deals 4.000 damage.
      • Cooldown: 15 seconds.
    • You still alive. I will burn you up again. (Average circle AoE skill)
      • Players in the circle will be damaged.
      • 79%~69% HP, deals 6.000 damage.
      • The skill also gives you a debuff called 4th degree burn.png"4th-Degree Burn Debuff" (Receive damage from Fire attribute + 200%, MS -50%, DOT (Damage over time) 1200 every 4 seconds, last 5 minutes).
      • The Zhuqiaomon raid spams this skill 6 times consecutively.
      • Cooldown: 10 seconds after the spam of 6 times.
    • Can u stand this? (Orange light skill)
      • This skill does not deal damage, instead, it inflicts 1-3 random debuffs on everyone close to the raid.
      • 49%~39% HP
      • Cooldown: 35 seconds.
    • Come out, my minions. (Summon of Hawkmon, Piyomon, Patamon)
      • This skill summons 3 different pets, each pets are responsible for their own respective Debuff. This skill will be used every 45 seconds from 79% HP until the raid is defeated.
      • 49%~39% HP
      • Cooldown: 45 seconds.
    • You still alive. I will burn you up again. (Big Circle AoE skill)
      • Players in the circle will be damaged.
      • Bigger circle then the 79-69% HP ones
      • 41%~0% HP, deals 6.000 damage.
      • The skill also gives you a debuff called 4th degree burn.png"4th-Degree Burn Debuff" (Receive damage from Fire attribute + 200%, MS -50%, DOT (Damage over time) 1200 every 4 seconds, last 5 minutes).
      • The Zhuqiaomon raid spams this skill 12 times consecutively.
      • Cooldown: 10 seconds after the spam of 6 times.

Biyomon Icon.png (Degeneration) Piyomon - Degeneration Debuff.png Degeneration Debuff (AT reduced by 30%. Last 5 minutes)'
Hawkmon Icon.png (Return) Hawkmon - Return Debuff.png Return Debuff (Damage of 50% return to you, when attacking a Digimon with the attribute of Fire. Last 5 minutes)
Patamon Icon.png (Silence) Patamon - Silence.png Silence Debuff (Skill cannot be used for 5 minutes.)

Exclamation Mark.png Note: In order to get rid of the pet's debuffs, you need to kill the pet with the debuff name you want to get rid of.

Best Strategy

This raid is similar to Phoenixmon, except that instead of having 1 tank taking all the damage, everyone needs to be moving around. In order to kill it, Every member should have Tamer Costumes which increases your movement speed, plus a high AT, and high skill damage. Your HP should be more than 10 000, and a healer is not needed for this raid because you are dodging the skills. Focus your equipment on attack and skill damage as the time limit will be killing you if you could not kill Zhuqiaomon within 7 minutes.

First of all, The Zhuqiaomon raid will use his 2 main skills which deal 4,000 and 3,000 of damage respectively. At this stage, you may either dodge the skills or tank them. However, it is highly recommended to tank the damage and hit the raid as fast as possible at this stage. Keep in mind that you only have 7 minutes and you will be moving all the time once the boss gets low in HP. The boss will use these skills until 80% HP.

Once at 79%, Zhuqiaomon will switch to his special skill that deals 6,000 damage and inflicts the burn debuff. Most importantly, the boss will consecutively spam this skill for 6 times without a break. At this stage make sure every member is ready to move all the time. 6,000 damage is not much of an issue, but the burn debuff will slow you down and triple every damage you take. If you take one skill, it is very likely that you would not be able to dodge the second one, which would deal 18,000 damage. It is recommended to have a Speeding memory skill on your Digimon. If you use Speeding after you got burnt, it will recover your movement speed to normal. Once the Zhuqiaomon stops spamming, you will have 10 seconds to deal the damage before he spams his special skill again. If possible, try to hit Zhuqiaomon when he does not target you.

At 64% HP, Zhuqiaomon will start summoning 3 different pets. These pets are exactly the same as Phoenixmon's. The party must kill the pets to get rid of the debuffs. It is important for each member to take out those pets as soon as possible (See Phoenixmon raid for detail). At this point, Zhuqiaomon stops using his other skills so it is quite safe to hit him, if you do not get a debuff that is. The boss will use debuff every 35 seconds, and summons pets every 45 seconds.

At 39% HP, Zhuqiaomon will start spamming his burn skill again, except this time, he spams it 12 times straight and the target circle gets bigger too. At this point, it is highly recommended to hit the boss if he does not target you. You will waste a lot of time if you wait for the skill to end, and chances are that you will die from time limit. Also, keep in mind that Zhuqiaomon does not stop summoning his pets and debuff you.

At 19% HP, Zhuqiaomon will use his 4,000 and 3,000 damage skills again in addition to every other skills. However, the tactics stay the same. Make sure not to get hit and deals the damage as fast as possible.

Exclamation Mark.png Note: After Zhuqiaomon drops to 64% HP, he will use debuff every 35 seconds, and summon pets every 45 seconds.

Exclamation Mark.png Note: Zhuqiaomon uses his skills "Burn, burn and burn!" and "I will torch you." back to back, what means he will use it one after another


Four Holy Beast Dungeon Box.png Chest of Flame (Zhuqiaomon)

8x Miracle Fruit.png Miracle Fruit
10x Fruit of the Goddess.png Fruit of the Goddess
Attribute Booster.png Attribute EXP Booster [7 Day]
10x Jump Booster.png Jump Booster [All Area]
2x Amazing Digitary Power Stone.png Amazing Digitary Power Stone
2x Amazing Renewal Increase Stone.png Amazing Renewal Increase Stone
20x Flame Feather of Zhuqiaomon.png Flame Feather of Zhuqiaomon
10x Glow Feather of Zhuqiaomon .png Glow Feather of Zhuqiaomon
10x Ember Feather of Zhuqiaomon.png Ember Feather of Zhuqiaomon
2x Crystal Red.png Crystal [Uprising Flame] [AT] +50%
2x Crystal Red.png Crystal [Uprising Flame] [HP] +50%
2x Crystal Red.png Crystal [Uprising Flame] [DS] +50%
2x Crystal Blue.png Crystal [Uprising Flame] [EXP] +1000%
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [CT] R9
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [AT] R9
300x Seal Icon.png Zhuqiaomon Seal
Flame Ring of Sealed Zhuqiaomon.png Flame Ring of Sealed Zhuqiaomon
Flame Necklace of Sealed Zhuqiamon.png Flame Necklace of Sealed Zhuqiaomon
Flame Earring of sealed Zhuqiamon.png Flame Earring of Sealed Zhuqiaomon
Will of Fire.png Will of Fire

Extra Loot from defeating Zhuqiaomon

1x BlessingBox.png Fanglongmon's Blessing Box (not guaranteed drop)