Ebonwumon (Raid)

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Informations about Ebonwumon (Raid)

  • Ebonwumon has about 6,240,000 HP.
  • Ebonwumon is level 99.
  • Ebonwumon changes phases according to its remaining HP.
  • Ebonwumon uses different skills for each phase.
  • Time limit for killing it is 10 minutes.
  • This raid use 5 different skills:
    • Enjoy your approaching defeat. (Normal Area skill)
      • Player Close to Ebonwumon will be damaged.
      • 100%~91% HP, deals 3,600 damage.
      • Cooldown: 27 seconds.
    • The floor of death will encroach on the Real World. It might be better to experience it first. (Poison Circle)
      • Players inside a purple circle will be damaged for 1.500 damage per second.
      • Leave it as fast as you can.
      • 90%~71% HP.
      • 39%~7% HP.
      • Cooldown: 30 seconds (every 30 seconds in respective HP range skill is used).
    • Remember what trust you lost. (Small Circle skill [Megaseadramon])
      • Players inside the Circle will be damaged.
      • The damage is divided by the amount of players in the circle.
      • 71%~69% HP, x1 player 16.000, x2 players 12.000, x3 players 8.000, x4 players 4.000 deals damage.
      • 49%~40% HP, x1 player 16.000, x2 players 12.000, x3 players 8.000, x4 players 4.000 deals damage.
      • Cooldown: 38 seconds.
    • Anticipate the cruel disappointment and anger I felt. (Big Circle skill [MarineDevimon])
      • Players inside the Circle will be damaged.
      • The damage is increased by the amount of players in the circle.
      • One or two hitters = 1 circle, three or more hitters = 2 cricles
      • 69%~49% HP, x1 player 5.000, x2 players 10.000, x3 players 15.000, x4 players 20.000 deals damage.
      • Cooldown: 34 seconds.
    • Go,the warriors of madness(Spawn of 2 Mini MarinDevimons)
      • Ebonwumon spawns two Marine Devimons.
      • Mini MarineDevimons will charge attack for 15 seconds, after that they will inflict damage of 15.000, per 1 Mini MarineDevimon

Exclamation Mark.png Note: If 2 digimons on 2 circles that's 24.000, 3 digimons that's 36.000,4 digimons that's 48.000. damage

Best Strategy

When Ebonwumon reaches below 90% HP it will begin creating Poison Fields. The Player targeted by the Skill should run away from the group, to ensure the battlefield doesn't get stacked with Poison. At 80% HP, the player group has to stack for MegaSeadramon Skill (small circle) When Ebonwumon hits 70-50% HP, the group should spread out, as it begins to use MarinDevimon Skill (large circle). At 50% HP Ebonwumon will once again use MegaSeadramon Skill, so stack on top of each other. Below 40% he will begin to use Poison Skill again. The Player thats targeted should run from the Boss, to make sure the group doesn't stay in the poison. At 10% HP everyone must hit ebonwumon, to make sure they get out before MarinDevimon AOE Skill hits.


Four Holy Beast Dungeon Box.png Water Crystal Chest (Xuanwumon)

10x Fruit of the Goddess.png Fruit of the Goddess
20x Miracle Fruit.png Miracle Fruit
Triple-Stacked Cheeseburger.png Triple-Stacked Cheeseburger
Attribute Booster.png Attribute EXP Booster +50% (30 days)
20x Kaiser's Laboratory Warp Gate.png Jump Booster [File Island]
3x Amazing Renewal Increase Stone.png Amazing Renewal Increase Stone (+5)
3x Amazing Digitary Power Stone.png Amazing Digitary Power Stone (+10%)
20x Ebonwumon Blue Power Drink.png Xuanwumon Blue Power Drink
20x Ebonwumon Red Power Drink.png Xuanwumon Red Power Drink
3x Crystal Red.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [AT] +50% (2 hours)
3x Crystal Red.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [HP] +50% (2 hours)
3x Crystal Red.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [DS] +50% (2 hours)
3x Crystal Blue.png Crystal EXP Booster +1000% (2 hours)
Xuanwumon Sealed Shiny Ring.png Xuanwumon Sealed Shiny Ring Random 4 slots ring with max numbers.
Ebonwumon Shiny Necklace.png Xuanwumon Sealed Shiny Necklace Random 4 slots necklace with max numbers.
Chipset Box.png Chipset Box [HT] R9
Chipset Box.png Chipset Box [CT] R9
Chipset Box.png Chipset Box [AT] R9
300x Seal Icon.png Xuanwumon Seal
Ebonwumon Saddle.png Xuanwumon Saddle (unlocks Xuanwumon Ride Mode)

Extra Loot from defeating Xuanwumon

1x BlessingBox.png Fanglongmon's Blessing Box (not guaranteed drop)