Cosmic Susanoomon

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Cosmic Susanoomon
(スサノオモン Cosmic Susanômon)
Cosmic Susanoomon.png
Rank: SSS
Class: Tanks
Requires: Jogress Chip Jogress Chip
Requires: Spirit Accelerator Spirit Accelerator
Form: O-Hybrid
Attribute: Vaccine: strong against Virus - weak against Data Vaccine
Element: Thunder: is strong against Steel (× 25) - weak against Pitch Black (× -25) - somewhat strong against Thunder (× 10) Thunder
Attacker Type: Short Attacker
Type: God Man Digimon
Families: Nightmare Soldiers Icon.png Nightmare Soldiers
Virus Busters Icon.png Virus Busters
Jogress Digivolved from: Lunar KaiserGreymon +
Solar MagnaGarurumon

Told of in Oriental legends, it is the strongest destructive god and the god which governs over regeneration. It is told that when the Network System descends into chaos, it will erase the existing system, and create a new one. Its Special Moves are slicing and stabbing everything in the world with the sword of light emanated from the "ZERO-ARMS: Orochi" (Ama-no-Habakiri), and an ultimate technique in which it points the sword of light (emanated from the ZERO-ARMS: Orochi) at the heavens, which then rain incessant bolts of lightning upon the ground (Yakusa-no-Ikadzuchi).


Lunar KaiserGreymon Icon.png 7895.png
Cosmic Susanoomon Icon.png
Solar Magnagarurumon Icon.png 8257.png

Default Stats

Exclamation Mark.png Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 120

Digimon Type: Tank Icon.png Tanks

Digimon Status.png

DGStats.png Digimon Stats
HP1.png Health Points 21144
DS1.png Digi-Soul 4330
AT1.png Attack 4421
AS1.png Attack Speed 2.000
CT1.png Critical Hit 25.27%
HT1.png Hit Rate 700
DE1.png Defense 6473
EV1.png Evade 35.1%


Skill Status.png
ZERO ARMS- Orochi Thunder Thunder attribute 4 seconds cooldown 780 DS consumed 2 skill points per upgrade 3.0 seconds animation
Heavenly Wings Beheading

Thunder Thunder attribute

17 seconds cooldown 1200 DS consumed 3 skill points per upgrade 3.0 seconds animation
Eight Thunder Gods Thunder Thunder attribute 90 seconds cooldown 630 DS consumed ? skill points per upgrade 3.8 seconds animation

Info.png Note: Value Point gives you a rough sketch of best skill to max (Higher the better)

Attack per lvl Lv.1 Lv.10 Lv.15 Lv.20 Lv.25 Value Point
ZERO ARMS- Orochi.png ZERO ARMS- Orochi 342 33643 36721 38431 40141 41851 21.38
Heavenly Wings Beheading.png Heavenly Wings Beheading 1642 53938 68716 76926 85136 93346 26.11
Eight Thunder Gods.png Eight Thunder Gods 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
ZERO ARMS- Orochi.png ZERO ARMS- Orochi 33643 33985 34327 34669 35011 35353 35695 36037 36379 36721 37063 37405 37747 38089 38431 38773 39115 39457 39799 40141 40483 40825 41167 41509 41851
Heavenly Wings Beheading.png Heavenly Wings Beheading 53938 55580 57222 58864 60506 62148 63790 65432 67074 68716 70358 72000 73642 75284 76926 78568 80210 81852 83494 85136 86778 88420 90062 91704 93346
Eight Thunder Gods.png Eight Thunder Gods 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • F1Skill.png F1 applies a 50% Defense Buff for 15 seconds
  • F2Skill.png F2 recovers 10% HP
  • F3Skill.png F3 makes Digimon and every party member Digimons around Invulnerable to attacks for 3 seconds
  • The HP recovery of the F2 increase by 1% for every Skill level upgrade

See also: