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Agumon (Classic) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Greymon Icon.png Greymon Western Area: East 20-24
MetalGreymon Icon.png MetalGreymon Ruined Historic 32-36
MetalGreymon Icon.png HellMetalGreymon Western Area: West 46-50
WarGreymon Icon.png WarGreymon Dark Tower Wasteland 58-62

Agumon (Black) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Agumon (Black) Icon.png Agumon (Black) Shadow Labyrinth 69-71
Greymon (Blue) Icon.png Greymon (Blue) Shadow Labyrinth 74-76
WarGreymon Icon.png WarGreymon Dark Tower Wasteland ???
DarkTyrannomon Icon.png DarkTyrannomon Verdandi Terminal 98-100

Agumon (Black) (Millenniummon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Agumon (Black) Icon.png Agumon (Black) Shadow Labyrinth 69-71
Greymon (Blue) Icon.png Greymon (Blue) Shadow Labyrinth 74-76

Arkadimon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Arkadimon (Mega) Icon.png Arkadimon (Mega) Infinite Ice Wall 67-70
Arkadimon (Ultimate) Icon.png Arkadimon (Ultimate) File Island Waterfront 76-78
Arkadimon (Champion) Icon.png Arkadimon (Adult) Server Continent Desert 89-92

Armadillomon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Arkadimon Icon.png Armadillomon Western Village 12-15

Betamon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Seadramon Icon.png Seadramon Snowman Village 43-47
Betamon Icon.png Betamon Silver Lake 45-47
Seadramon Icon.png Seadramon Silver Lake 46-48
MegaSeadramon Icon.png MegaSeadramon File Island Waterfront 78-80
Seadramon Icon.png Seadramon Digimon Maze F2 81-84
MegaSeadramon Icon.png MegaSeadramon Digimon Maze F3 ?
Seadramon Icon.png Seadramon Forest Area 114-116

Bearmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Bearmon Icon.png Bearmon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B1 23-28
Bearmon Icon.png Bearmon Snowstorm Village 32-35
Bearmon Icon.png Bearmon Digimon Maze F1 80-83
Grizzlymon Icon.png Grizzlymon Digimon Maze F2 82-84

Biyomon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Birdramon Icon.png Birdramon Western Area: Outskirts 14-18
Biyomon Icon.png Biyomon Wilderness Area 17-21
Garudamon Icon.png Garudamon Ruined Historic 32-36
Birdramon Icon.png Birdramon Silver Lake 48-50

Candlemon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Candlemon Icon.png Candlemon Western Village 12-16
Wizardmon Icon.png Wizardmon Wind Valley 23-27
Candlemon Icon.png Candlemon Silver Lake 52-54
Wizardmon Icon.png Wizardmon Lost Historic Site 66-69
Candlemon Icon.png Candlemon Digimon Maze F1 79-81
Candlemon Icon.png Candlemon Tokyo Tower 108-110

Commandramon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
SealsDramon Icon.png SealsDramon Wind Valley 27-31
SealsDramon Icon.png SealsDramon Odaiba 118-120
TankDramon Icon.png TankDramon Big Sight 117-120

DemiDevimon (Bakemon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Pumpkinmon Icon.png Pumpkinmon Western Area: West 40-45
Bakemon Icon.png DarkBakemon Dark Tower Wasteland 53-55
Bakemon Icon.png Bakemon Silent Forest 58-60
Bakemon Icon.png Bakemon Digimon Maze F1 80-83
Pumpkinmon Icon.png Pumpkinmon Digimon Maze F3 82-85
DemiDevimon Icon.png DemiDevimon Server Continent Canyon 93-95

DemiDevimon (Myotismon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
DemiDevimon Icon.png DemiDevimon Monster Card Lv1 ?
Devimon Icon.png Devimon Monster Card Lv2 ?
Devimon Icon.png Devimon Wilderness Area 22-26

DemiDevimon (Soulmon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
DemiDevimon Icon.png DemiDevimon Monster Card Lv1 ?
Phantomon Icon.png Phantomon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2 74-76
Soulmon Icon.png Soulmon Digimon Maze F2 81-84
Phantomon Icon.png Phantomon Digimon Maze F3 83-86
DemiDevimon Icon.png DemiDevimon Server Continent Canyon 92-92

DemiMeramon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
SkullMeramon Icon.png SkullMeramon Frozen Ground 37-40
DemiMeramon Icon.png DemiMeramon Silver Lake 52-54
SkullMeramon Icon.png DarkSkullMeramon Dark Tower Wasteland 53-57
Meramon Icon.png Meramon Silent Forest 54-56
SkullMeramon Icon.png SkullMeramon Dark Tower Wasteland 55-57
Boltmon Icon.png Boltmon Digimon Maze B2 77-79
SkullMeramon Icon.png SkullMeramon Digimon Maze B1 78-81
Boltmon Icon.png Boltmon Digimon Maze B1 78-80
DemiMeramon Icon.png DemiMeramon Tokyo Tower ?
Meramon Icon.png Meramon Tokyo Tower ?

Deputymon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Deputymon Icon.png Deputymon Western Area: East 16-20
SuperStarmon Icon.png SuperStarmon Snowman Village 41-45

Dobermon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Dobermon Icon.png Dobermon Western Area: East 15-19
Cerberumon Icon.png Cerberumon Digimon Farm ?
Cerberumon Icon.png Cerberumon Digimon Maze Entrance ?
Anubismon Icon.png Anubismon Infinite Ice Wall ?

Doggymon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Doggymon Icon.png Doggymon Wind Valley ?
Doggymon Icon.png Doggymon Shibuya ?

Dokunemon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Dokugumon Icon.png Dokugumon Western Area: Outskirts 15-19
Dokugumon Icon.png Dokunemon Silver Lake 45-47
Dokugumon Icon.png Dokugumon Silver Lake 67-69
Dokugumon Icon.png Dokugumon Lost Historic Site 67-70
Parasimon Icon.png Parasimon Ancient Ruins of Secret 80-81
Parasimon Icon.png Parasimon Monster Card Lv7 89-91

Dorumon (DexDorugamon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
DexDorugamon Icon.png DexDorugamon Verdandi Terminal 98-100

Dorumon (DoruGreymon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Dorugamon Icon.png Dorugamon Oil Refinery-1 32-36
Dorugamon Icon.png Dorugamon Verdandi Terminal 98-100
DoruGreymon Icon.png DoruGreymon Verdandi Terminal 99

Dorumon (ReptileDramon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
ReptileDramon Icon.png RaptorDramon Verdandi Terminal 98-100

Dracmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Sangloupmon Icon.png Sangloupmon Oil Refinery-3 38-42
Dracmon Icon.png Dracmon Verdandi Terminal 98-100
Matadormon Icon.png Matadormon Verdandi Terminal 99

Dracomon (Blue) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Coredramon (Blue) Icon.png Coredramon (Blue) Western Area: West 43-47

Dracomon (Green) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Coredramon (Green) Icon.png Coredramon (Green) Western Area: West 43-47

Drimogemon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Digmon Icon.png Digmon Western Village 13-17
Digmon Icon.png Digmon Lost Historic Site 29, 69-72
HiAndromon Icon.png HiAndromon Distorted Data Village 61-65
HiAndromon Icon.png HiAndromon Monster Card Lv6 ?
Giromon Icon.png Giromon Digimon Maze B2 77-80
Giromon Icon.png Giromon File Island Waterfront 80-82
Drimogemon Icon.png Drimogemon Server Continent Desert 89-92
Digmon Icon.png Digmon Server Continent Desert 89-92

Elecmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Leomon Icon.png Leomon Western Area: Outskirts 15-19
Leomon Icon.png Leomon Western Area: East 15-19
Leomon Icon.png Leomon Wind Valley 28-30
Leomon Icon.png Leomon Digimon Farm 30-32
Leomon Icon.png Leomon Ruined Historic 30-32
Panjyamon Icon.png Panjyamon Frozen Ground 35-38
SaberLeomon Icon.png SaberLeomon Oil Refinery-3 40-44
Elecmon Icon.png Elecmon Silver Lake 46-48
SaberLeomon Icon.png SaberLeomon Infinite Ice Wall 69-72
Leomon Icon.png Leomon Verdandi Terminal 98-100

FanBeemon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Waspmon Icon.png Waspmon Oil Refinery-1 34-38
Waspmon Icon.png Waspmon Lost Historic Site 68-71
CannonBeemon Icon.png CannonBeemon Digimon Maze Entrance 72-73
Waspmon Icon.png Waspmon File Island Waterfront 82-84
CannonBeemon Icon.png CannonBeemon File Island Waterfront 82-84
FanBeemon Icon.png FanBeemon Server Continent Desert 89-92
FanBeemon Icon.png FanBeemon Verdandi Terminal 98-100
Waspmon Icon.png Waspmon Verdandi Terminal 98-100
CannonBeemon Icon.png CannonBeemon Verdandi Terminal 99

Floramon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Floramon Icon.png Floramon Forest Area 113-114

Gabumon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gabumon Icon.png Gabumon Monster Card Lv1 14-16
Garurumon Icon.png Garurumon Wind Valley 26-30
Gabumon Icon.png Gabumon Snowstorm Village 30-33
Garurumon Icon.png Garurumon Snowstorm Village 33-36
Garurumon Icon.png Garurumon Monster Card Lv2 ?
WereGarurumon Icon.png WereGarurumon Oil Refinery-1 33-37
WereGarurumon Icon.png WereGarurumon Snowman Village 39-43
WereGarurumon Icon.png WereGarurumon Monster Card Lv3 ?
MetalGarurumon Icon.png MetalGarurumon Distorted Data Village 57-61

Gabumon (Black) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gabumon Icon.png Gabumon Wind Valley 26-30
Gabumon Icon.png Gabumon Snowstorm Village 30-33
Garurumon Icon.png Garurumon Snowstorm Village 33-36
WereGarurumon Icon.png WereGarurumon Oil Refinery-1 33-37
MetalGarurumon Icon.png MetalGarurumon Distorted Data Village 57-61

Gazimon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gazimon Icon.png Gazimon Shadow Labyrinth 69-71
Mephismon Icon.png Mephismon Shadow Labyrinth 74-76
Gazimon Icon.png Gazimon Server Continent Desert 89-92
Devidramon Icon.png Devidramon Server Continent Desert 89-92
Gazimon Icon.png Gazimon Server Continent Canyon 91-93

Gazimon (Millenniummon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gazimon Icon.png Gazimon Shadow Labyrinth 69-71
Deltamon Icon.png Deltamon Shadow Labyrinth 74-76
Kimeramon Icon.png Kimeramon Monster Card Lv7 89-91

Gizamon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gizamon Icon.png Gizamon Ocean Area ?

Goblimon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Goblimon Icon.png Goblimon Wilderness Area 45-49
MetalEtemon Icon.png MetalEtemon Snowman Village 45-49
Goblimon Icon.png Goblimon Silent Forest 56-58
MetalEtemon Icon.png MetalEtemon Distorted Data Village 59-63
MetalEtemon Icon.png MetalEtemon Monster Card Lv5 ?
Ogremon Icon.png Ogremon Silent Forest 60-62
Goblimon Icon.png Goblimon Digimon Maze F1 79-82
Ogremon Icon.png Ogremon Digimon Maze F2 81-84
Ogremon Icon.png Ogremon Server Continent Pyramid 92-94

Gomamon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Ikkakumon Icon.png Ikkakumon Frozen Ground 35-38
Vikemon Icon.png Vikemon Distorted Data Village 65-69
Vikemon Icon.png Vikemon Monster Card Lv6 ?

Gotsumon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gotsumon Icon.png Gotsumon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B1 22-24
Icemon Icon.png Icemon Wind Valley 25-29
Icemon Icon.png Icemon Snowstorm Village 32-35
Meteormon Icon.png Meteormon Oil Refinery-2 33-37
Meteormon Icon.png Meteormon Oil Refinery-3 33-37
MetalEtemon Icon.png MetalEtemon Snowman Village 45-49
MetalEtemon Icon.png MetalEtemon Distorted Data Village 59-63
Gotsumon Icon.png Gotsumon Lost Historic Site 64-66
Gotsumon Icon.png Gotsumon Digimon Maze F1 79-82
Icemon Icon.png Icemon Digimon Maze F2 81-83
Meteormon Icon.png Meteormon Digimon Maze F3 82-85

Guilmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Guilmon Icon.png Guilmon Snowstorm Village [[31-34
Guilmon Icon.png Guilmon Frozen Ground 40-42

Guilmon [ChaosGallantmon] Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Growlmon Icon.png Growlmon Wasteland Area (Night) 120

Hagurumon (Guardromon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Guardromon Icon.png Guardromon Oil Refinery-2 34-38
Andromon Icon.png Andromon Monster Card Lv4 ?
HiAndromon Icon.png HiAndromon Distorted Data Village 61-65
HiAndromon Icon.png HiAndromon Monster Card Lv6 ?
Hagurumon Icon.png Hagurumon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2 73-75
Guardromon Icon.png Guardromon Digimon Maze B2 78-81
Andromon Icon.png Andromon Digimon Maze B2 ?
Andromon Icon.png Andromon Digimon Maze F3 83-86

Hagurumon (MechaNorimon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Megadramon Icon.png Megadramon Ruined Historic 32-36
Hagurumon Icon.png Hagurumon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2 73-75
Megadramon Icon.png Megadramon Digimon Maze F3 83-86
Megadramon Icon.png Megadramon Verdandi Terminal 98-100

Hawkmon(None-Jogress) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Aquilamon Icon.png Aquilamon Ruined Historic 32-36
Silphymon Icon.png Silphymon File Island Waterfront 74-76
Aquilamon Icon.png Aquilamon Server Continent Desert 89-92
Allomon Icon.png Allomon Verdandi Terminal 98-100
Toucanmon Icon.png Toucanmon Minato City ---

Impmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Impmon Icon.png Impmon Western Village 13-17
IceDevimon Icon.png IceDevimon Wind Valley 27-31
SkullSatamon Icon.png SkullSatamon Oil Refinery-1 33-37
IceDevimon Icon.png IceDevimon Snowman Village 37-41
SkullSatamon Icon.png SkullSatamon File Island Waterfront 86-88

Keramon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Chrysalimon Icon.png Chrysalimon Snowstorm Village 27-31
Infermon Icon.png Infermon Monster Card Lv5 ?
Keramon Icon.png Keramon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2 73-76
Diablomon Icon.png Diablomon Infinite Ice Wall 79-81
Keramon Icon.png Keramon Digimon Maze F1 79-83
Chrysalimon Icon.png Chrysalimon Digimon Maze F2 82-84
Infermon Icon.png Infermon Digimon Maze F3 82-85
Diablomon Icon.png Diablomon Monster Card Lv7 ?

Kiwimon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Kiwimon Icon.png Kiwimon Western Area: Outskirts 13-17
Blossomon Icon.png Blossomon Digimon Farm 29-32
Sinduramon Icon.png Sinduramon Oil Refinery-2 35-38
Kiwimon Icon.png Kiwimon Silver Lake 48-50
Gryphonmon Icon.png Gryphonmon Infinite Ice Wall 69-72
Kiwimon Icon.png Kiwimon Shadow Labyrinth 70
Blossomon Icon.png Blossomon Shadow Labyrinth 70
Sinduramon Icon.png Sinduramon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2 74-76
Blossomon Icon.png Blossomon Verdandi Terminal 98-100

Kotemon (Gladimon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gladimon Icon.png Gladimon Wind Valley 26-30
Knightmon Icon.png Knightmon Oil Refinery-1 33-37
Gladimon Icon.png Gladimon Digimon Maze B2 75-78
Knightmon Icon.png Knightmon Digimon Maze B1 78-82
Knightmon Icon.png Knightmon Ancient Ruins of Secret 80-81

Kotemon(Musyamon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Asuramon Icon.png Asuramon Oil Refinery-1 33-37
Musyamon Icon.png Musyamon Lost Historic Site 66-68

Kunemon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Flymon Icon.png Flymon Western Area: Outskirts 15
Okuwamon Icon.png Okuwamon Frozen Ground 40
Okuwamon Icon.png Okuwamon Western Area: West 44
Kuwagamon Icon.png Kunemon Silver Lake 44-46
GranKuwagamon Icon.png GranKuwagamon Dark Tower Wasteland 56-58
Flymon Icon.png Flymon Server Continent Desert 89-92
Kuwagamon Icon.png Kunemon Verdandi Terminal 98-100
Kuwagamon Icon.png Kuwagamon Verdandi Terminal 98-100
Okuwamon Icon.png Okuwamon Verdandi Terminal 98-100
GranKuwagamon Icon.png GrandKuwagamon Verdandi Terminal 99

Lopmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Wendigomon Icon.png Wendigomon Snowman Village ?
Wendigomon Icon.png Wendigomon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2 71-74
Cherubimon (White) Icon.png Cherubimon (White) File Island Waterfront 86-88
Wendigomon Icon.png Wendigomon Server Continent Desert 89-91

Lucemon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Lucemon Satan Mode Icon.png Lucemon Satan Mode Infinite Mountain Dungeon 2.0 100

Monodramon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Strikedramon Icon.png Strikedramon Western Area: Outskirts 26-28
Strikedramon Icon.png Strikedramon Western Area: East 26-28
Strikedramon Icon.png Strikedramon Digimon Farm ?
Monodramon Icon.png Monodramon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2 73-75
Cyberdramon Icon.png Cyberdramon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B2 73-75
Strikedramon Icon.png Strikedramon Server Continent Canyon 92-94
Cyberdramon Icon.png Cyberdramon Server Continent Pyramid 92-94

Mushroomon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Mushroomon Icon.png Mushroomon Western Village 11-15
Woodmon Icon.png Woodmon Western Village 11-15
Mushroomon Icon.png Mushroomon Silver Lake 47-49
Argomon (Ultimate) Icon.png Argomon (Ultimate) File Island Waterfront 88-90
Mushroomon Icon.png Mushroomon Verdandi Terminal 98-100

Otamamon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
ShogunGekomon Icon.png ShogunGekomon Server Continent Canyon 91-93

Palmon (Woodmon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Woodmon Icon.png Woodmon Western Village 11-15
Cherrymon Icon.png Cherrymon Oil Refinery-2 34-38
Cherrymon Icon.png Cherrymon Monster Card Lv4 45
Palmon Icon.png Palmon Silver Lake 44-46
Woodmon Icon.png Woodmon Silver Lake 53-55
Cherrymon Icon.png Cherrymon Silver Lake 54-56
Puppetmon Icon.png Puppetmon Dark Tower Wasteland 56-60
Palmon Icon.png Palmon Lost Historic Site 63-66
Cherrymon Icon.png Cherrymon Lost Historic Site 66-68

Palmon (Togemon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Togemon Icon.png Togemon Western Village 12-16
Palmon Icon.png Palmon Silver Lake 44-46
Palmon Icon.png Palmon Lost Historic Site 63-66
Lillymon Icon.png Lillymon File Island Waterfront 84-86

Patamon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Patamon Icon.png Patamon Western Area: East 15-19
Patamon Icon.png Patamon Silver Lake 45-47

PawnChessmon (Black) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
QueenChessmon Icon.png QueenChessmon File Island Waterfront ?

Psychemon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Psychemon Icon.png Psychemon Server Continent Canyon 93-95

Renamon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Renamon Icon.png Renamon Western Village 16-18
Renamon Icon.png Renamon Western Area: Outskirts 16-18
Renamon Icon.png Renamon Western Area: East 18-20
Renamon Icon.png Renamon Wilderness Area 23-25
Kyuubimon Icon.png Kyuubimon Wind Valley 26-28
Kyuubimon Icon.png Kyuubimon Digimon Farm 32-34
Kyuubimon Icon.png Kyuubimon Ruined Historic 32-34
Kyuubimon Icon.png Kyuubimon Oil Refinery-1 32-34
Kyuubimon Icon.png Kyuubimon Oil Refinery-2 32-34
Kyuubimon Icon.png Kyuubimon Oil Refinery-3 47-49
Kyuubimon Icon.png Kyuubimon Western Area: West 47-49
Kyuubimon Icon.png Kyuubimon Dark Tower Wasteland 56-58

Ryudamon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
HisyaRyumon Icon.png HisyaRyumon Digimon Maze Entrance ?

Salamon (BlackGatomon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gatomon Icon.png Gatomon Digimon Farm 30-34
LadyDevimon Icon.png LadyDevimon File Island Waterfront ?

Salamon (Gatomon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gatomon Icon.png Gatomon Digimon Farm 30-34
Gatomon Icon.png Gatomon Server Continent Desert 89-92

Salamon (Lilithmon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Mikemon Icon.png Mikemon Shibuya 105

Sharmamon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Apemon Icon.png Apemon Snowstorm Village 32-36
Mammothmon Icon.png Mammothmon Snowman Village 43-47
Sharmamon Icon.png Sharmamon Silent Forest 56-58
Mammothmon Icon.png Mammothmon Lost Historic Site 68-70

Swimmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Neptunemon Icon.png Neptunemon Server Continent Desert ?
Swimmon Icon.png Swimmon Shadow Labyrinth 70
Tylomon Icon.png Tylomon Shadow Labyrinth 70
Swimmon Icon.png Swimmon Minato City 114
Tylomon Icon.png Tylomon Minato City 115

Starmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Starmon Icon.png Starmon Wasteland Area 114-116

Tentomon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Tentomon Icon.png Tentomon Frozen Ground 34-38
Tentomon Icon.png Tentomon Silver Lake 49-51
MegaKabuterimon Icon.png MegaKabuterimon Distorted Data Village 63-67
HerculesKabuterimon Icon.png HerculesKabuterimon Infinite Ice Wall 67-70

Terriermon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Gargomon Icon.png Gargomon Frozen Ground 35-38

ToyAgumon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
ToyAgumon (Rookie) Icon.png ToyAgumon Oil Refinery-3 ?

Tsukaimon (Barbamon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Witchmon Icon.png Witchmon Minato City 114

Tsukaimon (Demon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
NeoDevimon Icon.png NeoDevimon Monster Card Lv5 77-78
NeoDevimon Icon.png NeoDevimon Big Sight 117-119

Tsukaimon (Murmukusmon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Devimon Icon.png Devimon Wilderness Area 22-26
SkullSatamon Icon.png SkullSatamon Oil Refinery-1 33-37
SkullSatamon Icon.png SkullSatamon File Island Waterfront 86-88

Veemon (Ex-Veemon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Veemon Icon.png Veemon Dark Tower Wasteland 59-61
Veemon Icon.png DarkVeemon Dark Tower Wasteland 59-61

Veemon (Veedramon) Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Veedramon Icon.png Veedramon Oil Refinery-2 34-38
Veemon Icon.png Veemon Dark Tower Wasteland 59-61
Veemon Icon.png DarkVeemon Dark Tower Wasteland 59-61

Wormmon Mercenary Egg:

Digimon Where found Levels
Stingmon Icon.png Stingmon Wilderness Area 22-26
Wormmon Icon.png Wormmon D-Terminal-Dungeon-B1 23-26
JewelBeemon Icon.png JewelBeemon Monster Card Lv4 ?
Wormmon Icon.png DarkWormmon Dark Tower Wasteland 51-54
Wormmon Icon.png Wormmon Digimon Maze F1 79-81
Stingmon Icon.png Stingmon Digimon Maze F2 81-84
JewelBeemon Icon.png JewelBeemon Digimon Maze F3 83-86
GrandisKuwagamon Icon.png GrandisKuwagamon File Island Waterfront 89-92