True Vice Advanced

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True Digivice Advanced is a stronger version of the True Vice

Digivice Attributes

  • All version of True Digivice comes with 3 options. The options work similarly to the Rings, Necklaces, Earrings, and Bracelets, meaning that they can be changed with Option Change Stone.png Option Change Stone and Number Change Stone.png Number Change Stone, can be upgraded to 200% with Amazing Digitary Power Stone.png Digitary Power Stone, and can be renewed with Amazing Renewal Increase Stone.png Renewal Increase Stone.
  • The 3 Digivice options can be any of the Digimon Attributes and Digimon Elements.
  • Unlike the Basic Attribute option in Rings, Necklaces, Earrings, and Bracelets, the Digivice Attributes are NOT damage bonus from attribute advantage. Instead, they increase the skill damage of Digimon of said Attribute. For example, the Light Attribute will increase the skill damage of every Light Digimon that you use, regardless of the enemy type matchup.
  • The maximum number is 15% in Digimon Attributes and 20% in Digimon Elements. However the UN Attribute is locked to 13%.
  • You cannot get the same option multiple times.

Crafting True Digivice Advanced

You will need either one of the True Digivice's or the 103-Blue-OT.png103 OT Digivice Orange.png103 OT Digivice Purple.png 103-OT Digivice.

Icon Production Item Materials Cost of Making Success Rate
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Courage.PNG Digivice of Courage
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Friendship.PNG Digivice of Friendship
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Love.PNG Digivice of Love
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Purity.PNG Digivice of Purity
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Knowledge.PNG Digivice of Knowledge
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Reliability.PNG Digivice of Sincerity
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Hope.PNG Digivice of Hope
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Light.PNG Digivice of Light
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Kindness.PNG Digivice of Kindness
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Fate.PNG Digivice of Fate
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Miracles.PNG Digivice of Miracle
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) 103-Blue-OT.png 103-OT-Blue Digivice
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) 103 OT Digivice Orange.png 103-OT-Orange Digivice
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) 103 OT Digivice Purple.png 103-OT-Purple Digivice
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x100
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x100
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x100
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x250
100Currency Tera.png 100%

Material Location

Icon Material Raid Location
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery WarGreymon (Reward Box) Path of Bravery
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship MetalGarurumon (Reward Box) Path of Friendship
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus Venom Vamdemon (Reward Box) Venomous Vortex (Hard)

Reroll True Digivice (Advanced)

Since the version of True Digivice that you will get is random, the game allows you to re-craft the True Digivice (Advanced) from any version that you have obtained.

However it's also possible to select one of the Crests with the Enhanced Crest Shard.png Enhanced Crest Shard, which can drop at a low chance from the Dungeon Venomous Vortex (Hard), Path of Bravery and Path of Friendship.

You will need a unopened True Digivice (Advanced) for this

Icon Production Item Materials Cost of Making Success Rate
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Courage.PNG Digivice of Courage (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Friendship.PNG Digivice of Friendship (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Love.PNG Digivice of Love (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Purity.PNG Digivice of Purity (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Knowledge.PNG Digivice of Knowledge (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Reliability.PNG Digivice of Sincerity (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Hope.PNG Digivice of Hope (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Light.PNG Digivice of Light (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Kindness.PNG Digivice of Kindness (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Fate.PNG Digivice of Fate (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice (Advanced) Digivice of Miracles.PNG Digivice of Miracle (Advanced)
Crest of Bravery.png Crest of Bravery x20
Crest of Friendship.png Crest of Friendship x20
Complete Virus.png Complete Virus x20
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x100
2Currency Tera.png 100%