True Vice

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True Digivice refers to the 11 types of Digivice corresponding to each crest from Digimon Adventure.

  • Each type of True Digivice adds a unique visual effect to your tamer.
  • True Digivices can be crafted via the Nanomon (Item Craft) NPC at DATS Center. The craft materials can be dropped from various raid bosses in Tokyo-Odaiba maps.
  • The base version, Digivice of Beginning Lv 0.PNG Digivice of Beginning Lv. 0, can be obtained from a main quest at Minato City.
  • You can craft an additional True Digivice using the OT Digivice.PNG 103-OT Digivice.

Digivice Attributes

  • All version of True Digivice comes with 2 options. The options work similarly to the Rings, Necklaces, Earrings, and Bracelets, meaning that they can be changed with Option Change Stone.png Option Change Stone and Number Change Stone.png Number Change Stone, can be upgraded to 200% with Amazing Digitary Power Stone.png Digitary Power Stone, and can be renewed with Amazing Renewal Increase Stone.png Renewal Increase Stone.
  • The 2 Digivice options can be any of the Digimon Attributes and Digimon Elements.
  • Unlike the Basic Attribute option in Rings, Necklaces, Earrings, and Bracelets, the Digivice Attributes are NOT damage bonus from attribute advantage. Instead, they increase the skill damage of Digimon of said Attribute. For example, the Light Attribute will increase the skill damage of every Light Digimon that you use, regardless of the enemy type matchup.
  • The maximum number is 10% in Digimon Attributes and 15% in Digimon Elements. However the UN Attribute is locked to 8.50%.
  • You cannot get the same option twice.
  • Digivice of Adventure Lv 2.PNG Digivice of Adventure Lv2 and all versions of OT Digivice.PNG 103-OT Digivice are the same as True Digivice, minus the tamer visual effect part.

Crafting True Digivice

When you complete the main quest, [Wizardmon's Plan 1] through NPC Wizardmon in Minato City, you will obtain the Digivice of Beginning Lv 0.PNG Digivice of Beginning Lv.0.

Icon Production Item Materials Cost of Making Success Rate
Digivice of Beginning Lv 1.PNG Digivice of Beginning Lv. 1 Digivice of Beginning Lv 0.PNG Digivice of Beginning Lv. 0
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x149
Fragment of Evolution.png Fragment of Evolution x8
200 Currency Mega.png 100%
Digivice of Beginning Lv 2.PNG Digivice of Beginning Lv. 2 Digivice of Beginning Lv 1.PNG Digivice of Beginning Lv. 1
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x211
Piece of Evolution.png Piece of Evolution x11

Myotismons Digicore.png Myotismon's Digicore x6

600 Currency Mega.png 100%
Digivice of Adventure Lv 0.PNG Digivice of Adventure Lv. 0 Digivice of Beginning Lv 2.PNG Digivice of Beginning Lv. 2
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x287
Infective Virus.png Infective Virus x8
Digimons Bionic Energy.png Digimon's Bionic Energy x7
Digital Energy.png Digital Energy x7
1Currency Tera.png500 Currency Mega.png 100%
Digivice of Adventure Lv 1.PNG Digivice of Adventure Lv. 1 Digivice of Adventure Lv 0.PNG Digivice of Adventure Lv. 0
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x301
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x7
Absolute Essence of Evolution.png Absolute Essence of Evolution x5
2Currency Tera.png700 Currency Mega.png 100%
Digivice of Adventure Lv 2.PNG Digivice of Adventure Lv. 2 Digivice of Adventure Lv 1.PNG Digivice of Adventure Lv. 1
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x307
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x6
Heinous Digicore.png Heinous Digicore x3
4Currency Tera.png500 Currency Mega.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Adventure Lv 2.PNG Digivice of Adventure Lv. 2
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x318
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x7
Condensed Dark Energy.png Condensed Dark Energy x4
8Currency Tera.png 100%

Digivice Material

Icon Production Item Materials Cost of Making Success Rate
Absolute Essence of Evolution.png Absolute Essence of Evolution Fragment of Evolution.png Fragment of Evolution x3
Piece of Evolution.png Piece of Evolution x3
100Currency Mega.png 100%
Heinous Digicore.png Heinous Digicore SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x1
Myotismons Digicore.png Myotismon's Digicore x3
Infective Virus.png Infective Virus x3
300Currency Mega.png 100%
Condensed Dark Energy.png Condensed Dark Energy Myotismons Digicore.pngMyotismon's Digicore x1
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x2
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x1
700Currency Mega.png 100%

Material Location

Icon Material Raid Location
Fragment of Evolution.png Fragment of Evolution Aquilamon Valley of Light
Fragment of Evolution.png Fragment of Evolution Mammothmon Valley of Light
Piece of Evolution.png Piece of Evolution Raremon Shibuya
Piece of Evolution.png Piece of Evolution Phantomon Shibuya
Myotismons Digicore.png Myotismon's Digicore Myotismon Shibuya
Myotismons Digicore.png Myotismon's Digicore Myotismon Minato City
Digital Energy.png Digital Energy Groundramon Odaiba
Digimons Bionic Energy.png Digimon's Bionic Energy Okuwamon Odaiba
Infective Virus.png Infective Virus DarkTyrannomon Big Sight
Infective Virus.png Infective Virus Myotismon Big Sight
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore SkullMeramon Tokyo Tower Observatory (DG)
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon Myotismon Fuji TV Rooftop (DG)
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismons Venom VenomMyotismon Venomous Vortex (DG)

Total amount of items / money required

Info.png Note: The required items for crafting "Absolute Essence of Evolution", "Heinous Digicore" & "Condensed Dark Energy" are already included in the table.

Icon Item Amount
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution 1573
Fragment of Evolution.png Fragment of Evolution 23
Piece of Evolution.png Piece of Evolution 26
Myotismons Digicore.png Myotismon's Digicore 19
Infective Virus.png Infective Virus 17
Digimons Bionic Energy.png Digimon's Bionic Energy 7
Digital Energy.png Digital Energy 7
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore 18
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon 10
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom 7
Absolute Essence of Evolution.png Absolute Essence of Evolution 5
Heinous Digicore.png Heinous Digicore 3
Condensed Dark Energy.png Condensed Dark Energy 4
Coin Currency.png Money 21Currency Tera.png 700Currency Mega.png

Resetting True Digivice

Since the version of True Digivice that you will get is random, the game allows you to re-craft the True Digivice from any version that you have obtained. OT Digivices can also be changed into True Digivice using this method.

Icon Production Item Materials Cost of Making Success Rate
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Courage.PNG Digivice of Courage
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Friendship.PNG Digivice of Friendship
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Love.PNG Digivice of Love
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Purity.PNG Digivice of Purity
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Knowledge.PNG Digivice of Knowledge
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Reliability.PNG Digivice of Sincerity
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Hope.PNG Digivice of Hope
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Light.PNG Digivice of Light
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Kindness.PNG Digivice of Kindness
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Fate.PNG Digivice of Fate
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice Digivice of Miracles.PNG Digivice of Miracle
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x1
Soul of Myotismon.png Soul of Myotismon x2
SkullMeramons Digicore.png SkullMeramon's Digicore x4
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x710
4Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice 103-Orange-OT
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x318
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x7
Condensed Dark Energy.png Condensed Dark Energy x4
8Currency Tera.png 100%
True Digivice.PNG True Digivice 103-Purple-OT.png 103-Purple-OT
Essence of Evolution.png Essence of Evolution x318
VenomMyotismons Venom.png VenomMyotismon's Venom x7
Condensed Dark Energy.png Condensed Dark Energy x4
8Currency Tera.png 100%