Sangloupmon (X-Antibody System)

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Form: Champion X
Attribute: Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus
Element: Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) Pitch Black
Attacker Type: Quick Attacker
Type: Demon Beast Digimon
Families: Dark Area Icon.png Dark Area
Nightmare Soldiers Icon.png Nightmare Soldiers
from: Dracmon (X-Antibody System)
Digivolves to: Matadormon (X-Antibody System)

Sangloupmon is a Demon Beast Digimon and a carrier of the Sangloupmon X-Antibody Factor.png X-Antibody Factor : Sangloupmon in its Digicore.
The name is derived from "Sang-loup" (Fra: "Blood-wolf"), and whose design is derived from the mythological Loup-garou. It is a noble, bloodsucking wolf Digimon. It is a considerably old species of Digimon, and is said to have survived since the Genesis of the Digital World. Digimon who have had their blood sucked by Sangloupmon have all the information drawn out of their DigiCores, cease vital functions, and die. Sangloupmon is able to instantaneously move to different places as it rushes about the Net by breaking down its data into packets at its own volition. For this reason it is said to be very difficult to capture Sangloupmon.


Dracmon Icon.png 8594.png Sangloupmon Icon.png 8594.png Matadormon Icon.png 8594.png GranDracmon Icon.png
7820.png Dracmon (X-Antibody System) Icon.png X-Antibody Icon.png 8594.png Sangloupmon (X-Antibody System) Icon.png X-Antibody Icon.png 8594.png Matadormon (X-Antibody System) Icon.png X-Antibody Icon.png 8594.png GranDracmon (X-Antibody System) Icon.png X-Antibody Icon.png

Default Stats

Exclamation Mark.png Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 120

Digimon Status.png

DGStats.png Digimon Stats
HP1.png Health Points 2174
DS1.png Digi-Soul 997
AT1.png Attack 680
AS1.png Attack Speed 2.323
CT1.png Critical Hit 20.54%
HT1.png Hit Rate 525
DE1.png Defense 61
EV1.png Evade 26.9%


Skill Status.png
Black Mind Pitch Black Pitch Black attribute 3 seconds cooldown 40 DS consumed 2 skill points per upgrade 2.5 seconds animation
  Disassembles its data by collecting energy, throws it at the enemy, and melts into the enemy's shadow.
Sticker Blade

Pitch Black Pitch Black attribute

4 seconds cooldown 64 DS consumed 3 skill points per upgrade 3.3 seconds animation
Throws thousands of small blades at the opponent.

Info.png Note: Value Point gives you a rough sketch of best skill to max (Higher the better)

Attack per lvl Lv.1 Lv.10 Lv.15 Lv.20 Lv.25 Value Point
Black Mind.png Black Mind 42 865 1243 1453 1663 1873 3.50
Sticker Blade.png Sticker Blade 61 1496 2045 2350 2655 2960 5.08
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
Black Mind.png Black Mind 865 907 949 991 1033 1075 1117 1159 1201 1243 1285 1327 1369 1411 1453 1495 1537 1579 1621 1663 1705 1747 1789 1831 1873
Sticker Blade.png Sticker Blade 1496 1557 1618 1679 1740 1801 1862 1923 1984 2045 2106 2167 2228 2289 2350 2411 2472 2533 2594 2655 2716 2777 2838 2899 2960