Matadormon (X-Antibody System)

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(マタドゥルモン Matadrmon)
Form: Ultimate X
Attribute: Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus
Element: Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) Pitch Black
Attacker Type: Short Attacker
Type: Undead Digimon
Families: Dark Area Icon.png Dark Area
Nightmare Soldiers Icon.png Nightmare Soldiers
from: Sangloupmon (X-Antibody System)
Digivolves to: GranDracmon (X-Antibody System)

Matadormon is an Undead Digimon and a carrier of the Matadormon X-Antibody Factor.png X-Antibody Factor : Matadormon in its Digicore.
The name and design are derived from the Matador. It is a bloodsucking martial artist Digimon that performs a magnificent dance. It is said that it was born from the folk-dance database of a certain museum, and that it has mastered the unique steps of "Burudoggu" (武舞独繰? lit. "War-dance of a Single Spin"). It uses its fluttering garment to deceive the opponent, and when the opponent drops its guard from a glance at the soft-colored cloth, it falls upon them with the countless rapiers stocked on its arms. Because it is a vampire, it can't survive unless it sucks a Digimon's blood, but as not just anyone will do, it seeks only the blood of strong Digimon and seems to constantly be moving from place to place.


Dracmon Icon.png 8594.png Sangloupmon Icon.png 8594.png Matadormon Icon.png 8594.png GranDracmon Icon.png
7820.png Dracmon (X-Antibody System) Icon.png X-Antibody Icon.png 8594.png Sangloupmon (X-Antibody System) Icon.png X-Antibody Icon.png 8594.png Matadormon (X-Antibody System) Icon.png X-Antibody Icon.png 8594.png GranDracmon (X-Antibody System) Icon.png X-Antibody Icon.png

Default Stats

Exclamation Mark.png Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 120

Digimon Status.png

DGStats.png Digimon Stats
HP1.png Health Points 3519
DS1.png Digi-Soul 1406
AT1.png Attack 1222
AS1.png Attack Speed 2.563
CT1.png Critical Hit 18.99%
HT1.png Hit Rate 500
DE1.png Defense 100
EV1.png Evade 24.5%


Skill Status.png
Thousand Arrow Pitch Black Pitch Black attribute 3 seconds cooldown 61 DS consumed 3 skill points per upgrade 2.3 seconds animation
  Shoots the rapiers hidden under both arms at the opponent.
Chouzetsu Rappashū

Pitch Black Pitch Black attribute

5 seconds cooldown 114 DS consumed 2 skill points per upgrade 3.3 seconds animation
A self-developed martial art. Attacks the enemy with powerful kicks.

Info.png Note: Value Point gives you a rough sketch of best skill to max (Higher the better)

Attack per lvl Lv.1 Lv.10 Lv.15 Lv.20 Lv.25 Value Point
Thousand Arrow.png Thousand Arrow 99 1816 2707 3202 3697 4192 5.50
Chouzetsu Rappashū.png Chouzetsu Rappashū 144 3048 4344 5064 5784 6504 14.40
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
Thousand Arrow.png Thousand Arrow 1816 1915 2014 2113 2212 2311 2410 2509 2608 2707 2806 2905 3004 3103 3202 3301 3400 3499 3598 3697 3796 3895 3994 4093 4192
Chouzetsu Rappashū.png Chouzetsu Rappashū 3048 3192 3336 3480 3624 3768 3912 4056 4200 4344 4488 4632 4776 4920 5064 5208 5352 5496 5640 5784 5928 6072 6216 6360 6504