PawnChessmon W (Quest Rewards)

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PawnChessmon W (Quest Rewards)
PawnChessmon W (Quest Rewards).png
Kind Reward
Location: DATS Center

The Rewards from specific main quests are useful items that you can obtain from the NPC PawnChessmon W (Quest Rewards) located in DATS Center near Calumon. You need to complete all of the main quests on the specific map to be rewarded.
Main Quest Completions Currently are down below

Quest: Ice Area Completion

Required Quest: Mercurimon's Summons ( Infinite Ice Wall ); all Main + Sub Quests (including DigiVice Quests) are needed to recieve the Quest Reward.


Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg (4~5).png Random Reinforced DigiEgg Lv.4

Red Light of Life.png Red Light of Life x 500

Blue Light of DigiSoul.png Blue Light of DigiSoul x 500

Pass (Scar of Water Crystal).png Pass [Scar of Water Crystal] x 15

Seal Exchange Ticket.png Seal Exchange Ticket x 600

Spooky Halloween Costume Set.png Spooky Halloween Costume Set [30 Days]

Quest: Western Area Completion

Required Quest: Frontier Prologue ( Digimon Maze F4 )


Backup Disk CB.png Backup Disk x 15

Digi Aura CB.png Digiaura [30 Days]

Option Change Stone CB.png Option Change Stone x 20

Number Change Stone CB.png Number Change Stone x 20

Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set.png Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set

Quest: File Island Completion

Required Quest: Final Battle!! ( Infinite Mountain )


Special Chicken Combo.png Special Chicken Combo x 100

BM Random Box.png BM Random Box x 1

Goddess Fruit CB.png Fruit of Goddess x 30

Option Change Stone CB.png Option Change Stone x 30

Amplification Booster +1000%.pngAmplification Booster +1000% x 10

Seal Opener CB R.png Seal Opener x 60

Quest: Server Continent Area Completion

Required Quest: Fake card is! ( Server Continent Pyramid )


RBox.png Reinforced Digiclone Set x 20

Jogress Chip CB.png Jogress Chip [30 Days]

XAI Ver III.png XAI Ver III [30 Days]

Inventory Expansion.png Inventory Expansion x 10

Warehouse Expansion.png Warehouse Expansion x 10

Rare Coin (Event).png Rare Coin x 10

Quest: Ice Area and Western Area Completion


Growth Fruit (Savers).png Growth Fruit (Savers) x1


- Rare coins are usable at the Rare Machine.