Digimon Maze F4

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Digimon Maze F3Digimon Maze F4.png
About this image
Digimon Maze B1Digimon Maze EntranceInfinite Mountain Dungeon 2.0Dark Tower WastelandWestern Area: WestWestern VillageWestern Area: OutskirtsWestern Area: EastWilderness AreaDigimon FarmWind ValleyRuined HistoricWorld Map Western Village.png
About this image

A place that is believed to have been created intentionally by someone through data manipulation. The identity of the culprit is shrouded in mystery.
To unlock Digimon Maze F2, you need to complete all of the quests in Digimon Maze F3.

Wild Digimon

On all maps from all Digimon you can obtain Memory Chip.png, Arcane Double-core, Arcane Tri-core and Accelerator.png.

Digimon HP Levels Type Attribute Behavior Drops
File:Diablomon Search Icon.png 24000 ? Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) Pitch Black Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Keramon Egg Refund Amount ? Diablomon Seal Rank 1 Low Class Seal Exchange Ticket.png Money.png


- After completing main quest, you can receive reward from NPC PawnChessmon W (Quest Rewards).