Blossomon (Raid)

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Blossomon (Raid)



  • This raid has about 5,040,000 HP
  • Upon entering the map, there will be 7 Kiwimon along with Blossomon raid.
  • The kiwimons do have a 5 minutes time limit. If the party could not take them out within the time limit, everyone hitting will be automatically dead.
  • This raid has 2 special skills and 1 main skill that does 4000 of damage.
  • This raid functions similarly to MarineDevimon raid from Scar of Water Crystal (Instance Dungeon)
  • Just like Sinduramon Blossomon doesn't have an OHKO skill, instead it will use a skill that deals 25,000 damage every 7 minutes (About).


Upon entering the map, there will be 7 Kiwimon along with Blossomon raid. These Kiwimon hit hard, and they ignore Evasion. The best way to handle them is to have 1 tanker with more than 25,000 HP tank the raid and the rest of the Kiwimon. At the mean time, the 2 hitters have to take down the Kiwimon, and 1 healer supporting the tanker. At this stage, make sure that no one hit the Blossomon raid and his HP is at 100%. If Blossomon raid HP is not at 100%, he will start using his skill. It is recommended for the tanker to have KaiserGreymon and MagnaGarurumon, both with max Block clone. Then, use battle tag to recover.

When you get rid of all the Kiwimon, the tanker will hit the Blossomon raid and drop his HP down to 99%. Then, the tanker needs to drag the raid far away from the party because Blossomon will use his special skill that does 25,000 damage. He only uses this skill 1 time so make sure that it only hits the tanker. Once the tanker takes that damage, this is where the real fight begins.

The actual fight is not very difficult. It is very similar to MarineDevimon raid. The boss will use his main skill, 4,000 damage, until his HP drops to 80%. At 80%, Blossomon will start using his another special skill. It does 3,500 damage, and it follows the same rule as MarineDevimon, the more people in the target circle, the more damage you receive, so make sure that your teammates do not stay together. The damage of his special skill increases as Blossomon HP goes down. At 70%, it will do 5,000 damage, 6,000 damage at 50%, and finally 7,000 damage at 40%. Also, the boss does not stop using 4,000 damage skill, so keep that in mind.

Once the boss reaches 30% HP, he will stop using all of the skills, instead, his normal hit will do much more damage than usual, and the less HP he has, the more damage it will do. At this stage, Blossomon ignores both your evasion and block, and he can hit up to 10,000 damage per hit. Fortunately, it only hits 1 single person, so make sure that your tanker and healer can take that, while the hitters kill the boss as fast as possible.


Four Holy Beast Dungeon Box.png Chest of Trace (Interior Zone)

5x Evoluter.png Evoluter
6x Fruit of the Goddess.png Fruit of the Goddess
6x Miracle Fruit.png Miracle Fruit
2x Attribute Booster.png Attribute EXP Booster +50% (1 Day)
6x Jump Booster.png Jump Booster [All Area]
2x Amazing Renewal Increase Stone.png Amazing Renewal Increase Stone
2x Amazing Digitary Power Stone.png Amazing Digitary Power Stone
9x DigiSoul Food HP A.png DigiSoul Food HP: A
9x DigiSoul Food DS A.png DigiSoul Food DS: A
9x DigiSoul Food ALL A.png DigiSoul Food ALL: A
Grace of Challenge AT +50%.png Grace of Challenge [AT] +50%
Grace of Challenge HP Max +50%.png Grace of Challenge [HP Max] +50%
Grace of Challenge DS Max +50%.png Grace of Challenge [DS Max] +50%
Grace of Challenge EXP +1000%.png Grace of Challenge [EXP] +1000%
2x Grace of Challenge Skill Damage +100%.png Grace of Challenge [Skill Damage] +100%
2x Grace of Challenge Critical Damage +100%.png Grace of Challenge [Critical Damage] +100%
2x Grace of Challenge MS +35%.png Grace of Challenge [MS] +35%
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [EV] R9
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [CT] R9
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [HP] R9
Aural Ring of Sealed Baihumon.png Aural Ring of Sealed Baihumon
Baihumon Shiny Necklace.png Aural Necklace of Sealed Baihumon
File:Baihumon Earring.png Earring of Sealed Baihumon


Boxes giving old buffs and food than can be converted to Grace of Challenge and DigiSoul Food

See also

Sinduramon Icon.png Sinduramon (Raid)

Baihumon (Mega) Icon.png Baihumon (Raid)