Sinduramon (Raid)

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Sinduramon (Raid)

Informations about Sinduramon (Raid)

  • Sinduramon (Raid) has about 3.200.000 HP.
  • Sinduramon (Raid) is level 99.
  • Upon entering the map, there will be 3 Sinduramon.
  • Only the middle one is the actual raid boss, who drops the reward box. The other two are 'fake', but they have to be defeated as well to unlock the next room.
  • Sinduramon (Raid) uses different skills for each phase.
  • Unlike most raids, Sindiramon doesn't have an OHKO skill, however every 6 minutes it will use a skill that deals 20,000 damage.
  • This raid uses 3 different skills:
    • Cluck - Cluck! Take this!(AoE skill)
      • Players close to Sinduramon (Raid) will be damaged.
      • 100%~80% HP, deals 3,000 damage.
      • Cooldown: 15 seconds.
    • Cluck - Cluck~! I am not attack only one  ! (Yellow Circle Skill)
      • Players inside a big circle will receive 4,000 damage.
      • 80%~50% HP.
      • The skill also gives you a debuff called Metallic Poison Lv.1.png"Metallic poison Level 1" (Receive DOT (Damage over time) 900 every 4 seconds and Move speed decrease, lasts 30 seconds).
      • Cooldown: 30 seconds.
    • Cluck - Cluck~! I will become more stronger! (Power UP Buff)
      • Players won't be damaged by this skill, instead, Sinduramon (Raid) will give you debuff which increases his normal hits.
      • 50%~0% HP.
      • The skill also gives you a debuff called Metallic Poison Lv.2.png Metallic Poison Lv.2 Debuff (Receiving Damage from Enemy Digimon increased 100%. Damage 900 every 4 seconds, lasts 30 seconds.).
      • Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Exclamation Mark.png Note: Once the main Sinduramon is dead, you will have to defeat the two fake Sinduramon. However, keep in mind that they're not the main rain bosses, and as such, you won't get reward boxes from them. You will still have to defeat them to unlock the door to the next room. Fortunately, their HP is a lot lower than the actual raid boss, although they do use the same skills, so be careful.

Best Strategy

First of all, the two attackers have to tank Sinduramon from left and right, then the tank can come hit the middle one. At this point, the three Sinduramon should hit three different persons in your party, while your team gang up on the real Sinduramon raid. Make sure that the fake ones are at 100% HP, so they don't use their skills.

100% - The Main Sinduramon will use his main skill, 3,000 damage, until his HP drops to 80%.

85% - The Main will start using the special skill. You can either tank the skill or dodge it, the damage is pretty low, so if you have a good healer, there shouldn't be a problem.

50% - He will stop using all of the skills, instead, his normal hit will do much more damage than usual, and the less HP he has, the more damage it will do. At this stage, Sinduramon ignores your evasion, and he can hit up to 10,000 damage per hit. Fortunately, it only hits one single person, so make sure that your tank and healer can take that, while the attackers kill the boss as fast as possible. Since the boss ignores Evasion, it is recommended that the tanker has max Block clone.


Four Holy Beast Dungeon Box.png Chest of Trace (Exterior Zone):

5x Miracle Fruit.png Miracle Fruit
5x Fruit of the Goddess.png Fruit of the Goddess
Triple-Stacked Cheeseburger.png Triple-Stacked Cheeseburger
Attribute Booster.png Attribute EXP Booster [7 Day]
5x Jump Booster.png Jump Booster [All Area]
Amazing Digitary Power Stone.png Amazing Digitary Power Stone
Amazing Renewal Increase Stone.png Amazing Renewal Increase Stone
8x Baihumon Drink HP.png Stamina of Baihumon
8x Baihumon Drink DS.png DigiSoul of Baihumon
8x Baihumon Drink HP & DS.png Energy of Baihumon
2x Grace of Baihumon -Attack- icon.png Grace of Baihumon
2x Grace of Baihumon -Health- icon.png Grace of Baihumon
2x Grace of Baihumon -DigiSoul- icon.png Grace of Baihumon
2x Grace of Baihumon -Critical Damage- icon.png Fury of Baihumon
Grace of Baihumon -Skill- icon.png Fury of Baihumon
Grace of Baihumon -Speed- icon.png Fury of Baihumon
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [DS] R9
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [DE] R9
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [HP] R9
Ring of Sealed Baihumon.png Ring of Sealed Baihumon
File:Baihumon Necklace.png Necklace of Sealed Baihumon