Xuanwumon (The Ruler of the North)

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Xuanwumon (Raid)

Battle Infos

  • Xuanwumon (The Ruler of the North) has about 17 000 000 HP.
  • Xuanwumon (The Ruler of the North) is lv99.
  • Upon entering the room, there are 3 mini-bosses spawned alongside Xuanwumon (The Ruler of the North).
    • MarineDevimon Icon.png MegaSeadramon Icon.png Vikaralamon Icon.png
  • There's no time limit to defeat Xuanwumon (The Ruler of the North).
  • This raid uses 6 different skills:
    • Rise again! My servants!
      • MarineDevimon Icon.png MegaSeadramon Icon.png Vikaralamon Icon.png
      • Summon 1 of each of the above mini-bosses on each wave.
      • Each minion has 480,000 HP.
      • Minion doesn't de-spawn, there's no limit on how many waves can be summoned.
      • These minion doesn't use skill, however, each of them gives debuff which reduces Digimon's damage.
      • Debuff lasts as long the minion stays on the field.
      • Maximum Damage reduction is 70%, depending on the number Debuff from minion.
      • Defeat the corresponding minion to remove respective Debuff.
      • Cooldown 35 seconds
  • MarinDevimon's Aura.png MarinDevimon's Aura - Defeat MarineDevimon Icon.png
  • MegaSeadramon's Aura.png MegaSeadramon's Aura - Defeat MegaSeadramon Icon.png
  • link-Vikaralamon's Aura Vikaralamon's Aura - Defeat Vikaralamon Icon.png
    • Enjoy your approaching defeat.
      • Xuanwumon will only use this skill when it's HP at a certain range
        • Between 100%~90%
      • 6,000 base damage.
      • Deal damage to Player that near/within the skill range.
      • Cooldown 25 seconds.
    • This floor of death will encroach on the Real World. It might be better to experience it first.
      • Xuanwumon will only use this skill when it's HP at a certain range
        • Between 90%~80% HP and between 40%~10% HP.
      • 4,000 base damage.
      • Randomly target 1 player that deal damage to Xuanwumon.
      • Create a "purple aura" circle that constantly deals damage every second to any player that stays inside the circle.
      • The purple aura last until Xuanwumon is defeated.
      • Cooldown 30 seconds.
    • Remember what trust you lost
      • Xuanwumon will only use this skill when it's HP at a certain range
        • Between 80%~70% HP and between 50%~40% HP.
      • 60,000 base damage.
      • Randomly target 1 player with "small circle" that deal damage to Xuanwumon.
      • Damage from this skill can be reduced depending on the number of players that inside the small circle.
      • 30,000 damage (Overlap by 2 players)
      • 20,000 damage (Overlap by 3 players)
      • 15,000 damage (Overlap by 4 players)
      • Cooldown 35 seconds.
    • Anticipate the cruel disappointment and anger I felt.
      • Xuanwumon will only use this skill when it's HP at a certain range
        • Between 70%~50%.
      • 10,000 base damage.
      • Target Up to 4 players with "large circle" that deal damage to Xuanwumon.
      • Damage from this skill will be multiplied depending on the numbers of players that overlap the circle.
      • 20,000 damage (Overlap by 2 players)
      • 30,000 damage (Overlap by 3 players)
      • 40,000 damage (Overlap by 4 players)
      • Cooldown 35 seconds.
    • Go, warrior of madness.
      • Xuanwumon will only use this skill when it's HP at a certain range
        • Between 7%~1%
      • Summon 2 mini MarineDevimon Icon.png Marin Devimon minion.
      • Each MarineDevimon Icon.png Marin Devimon use its skill after 15 seconds and deal 15,000 damage.
      • Cooldown 30 seconds.