Woodcutter Digimon

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Woodcutter Digimon
Quest Type Daily Quest
Tamer Level
Given by Gabumon
at File Island Waterfront
Rewarded by Gabumon
at File Island Waterfront
There was a time when nasty Digimons called Giromons (Forest Destroyer) went on cutting down the trees in the forest indiscriminately.
They carried electric saws, you see.
This angered Monochromon. He fought the Giromons (Forest Destroyer) and eventually defeated them, but he, too, sustained grave wounds.
Those Giromons remained quiet for a while, but...
Now that Monochromon has changed, they are here again, mowing down the trees. Will you stop them for us?
They are powerful. Be careful out there!
Defeat Giromon (Forest Destroyer)

Tamer Exp: 180,000
Digimon Exp: 1,800,000
Bits: 800 Currency Bit.png
Item(s): 2 Green Clover for Luck Green Clover for Luck.png, 2 Black Cogwheel Fragments Black Gear Piece.png and 1 White Five-Leaf Clover White Five-Leaf Clover.png
Misc. Info