White Five-Leaf Clover

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White Five-Leaf Clover
Quest Type Daily Quest
Tamer Level
Given by Patamon
at File Island Waterfront
Rewarded by Patamon
at File Island Waterfront
How are you enjoying your travels on the File Island Waterfront? This is a beautiful place, but we've been having lots of problems lately.
The File Island Waterfront used to be a place where White Five-Leaf Clovers grew.
Do you have White Five-Leaf Clovers where you are from, Tamer?
When the evil Digimons arrived here, they began to pick the clovers one by one.
As you fight the Digimons on the Waterfront, you will find <White Five-Leaf Clovers>. They are rare, though.
Collect them and bring them to me. I will give you my cherished <Green Clover of Luck>.
Collect White Five-Leaf Clover.png from any digimons in File Island Waterfront

Item(s): 1 Green Clover for Luck.png
Misc. Info