Royal Digivice

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Royal Digivice RoyalVice.png is a rare drop from the Royal Knight's Dominion Box. More info here

Digivice Attributes

  • Royal Digivice comes with 4 Options. The options work similarly to the Rings, Necklaces, Earrings, and Bracelets, meaning that they can be changed with Option Change Stone.png Option Change Stone and Number Change Stone.png Number Change Stone, can be upgraded to 200% with Amazing Digitary Power Stone.png Digitary Power Stone, and can be renewed with Amazing Renewal Increase Stone.png Renewal Increase Stone.
  • The 4 Digivice options can be any of the Digimon Attributes and Digimon Elements.
  • Unlike the Basic Attribute option in Rings, Necklaces, Earrings, and Bracelets, the Digivice Attributes are NOT damage bonus from attribute advantage. Instead, they increase the skill damage of Digimon of said Attribute. For example, the Light Attribute will increase the skill damage of every Light Digimon that you use, regardless of the enemy type matchup.
  • The maximum number is 7% in Digimon Attributes and 10% in Digimon Elements.
  • You cannot get the same option twice.