Phoenixmon (Raid)

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Phoenixmon (Raid)

Informations about Phoenixmon (Raid)

  • Phoenixmon (Raid) has about 6.000.000 HP.
  • Phoenixmon (Raid) is level 99.
  • Time limit for killing it is 7 minutes.
  • This raid use 3 skill:
    • Phoenixmon makes dangerous aura! (Big circle AoE skill)
      • Players in the circle will be damaged.
      • 100%~1% HP, deals 5,000 damage.
      • The skill also gives you a debuff called 3rd degree burn.png"3nd-Degree Burn Debuff" (Receive damage from Fire attribute + 100%, MS -30%, DOT (Damage over time) 900 every 4 seconds, last 5 minutes).
      • Cooldown: 20 seconds.
    • Phoenixmon's power covers all around the place. (Purple light skill)
      • This skill does not deal damage, instead, it inflicts 1-3 random debuffs on everyone close to the raid. This skill will be used every 30 seconds from 79% HP until the raid is defeated.
      • 79%~1% HP.
      • Cooldown: 30 seconds.
    • Phoenixmon is trying to summon something! (Summon of Hawkmon, Piyomon, Patamon)
      • This skill summons 3 different pets, each pets are responsible for their own respective Debuff. This skill will be used every 45 seconds from 79% HP until the raid is defeated.
      • 79%~1% HP.
      • Cooldown: 45 seconds.
Biyomon Icon.png (Degeneration) Piyomon - Degeneration Debuff.png Degeneration Debuff (AT reduced by 30%. Last 5 minutes)'
Hawkmon Icon.png (Return) Hawkmon - Return Debuff.png Return Debuff (Damage of 50% return to you, when attacking a Digimon with the attribute of Fire. Last 5 minutes)
Patamon Icon.png (Silence) Patamon - Silence.png Silence Debuff (Skill cannot be used for 5 minutes.)

Exclamation Mark.png Note: In order to get rid of the pet's debuffs, you need to kill the pet with the debuff name you want to get rid of.

Best Strategy

This is the first tough raid inside this dungeon. In order to succeed in killing it, the party members have to be very familiar with the Debuff System and how the pet's debuffs work. It requires a tank with at least 20,000 of HP and a high AT, and a healer, who should be very fast and smart to heal. It is possible to heal the tank with 2x Regenerative Ability [High], but the more you have, the easier it will be (Hand Of Healing and other healing skills are not recommended, except for Tree of Life). Two attackers are also required, and they are required to have high skill damage. A ring with 2 Skill options and a Necklace with 1 Skill option are very welcomed.

First of all, the members have to decide what role they will take. In addition, it is good for each attacker to decide which 1 of the specific pet they will be responsible of, one kills Patamon, and the other kills Biyomon. The tank will also be tasked to kill Hawkmon by himself. However, since the special skill of Phoenixmon will apply random pet's debuffs on the tank, depending on the circumstances, the attackers may ignore the pets and keep focusing on Phoenixmon. It is recommended for the attackers to be using Examon, because of his long range skills, so they will not need to get close to Phoenix and be risked of getting debuffs, another choice for attackers, would be Magna Garurumon, as he has two usable and powerful skills, but he is less recommended, as the skills do not have max range on them, so the skills will need to be timed correctly. The tank must kill the pets to get rid of the debuffs, so for an example:

Attacker number 1 kills Patamon. Attacker number 2 kills Biyomon. The tank got Patamon's debuff. In this case, Attacker number 1 will ignore Patamon pet, because the tanker must kill it to get rid of the debuff. So Hitter 1 can keep using skills on Phoenixmon raid. If the tanker got all the 3 debuffs, the hitters won't kill any pet.


Four Holy Beast Dungeon Box.png Chest of Flame (Phoenixmon):

5x Miracle Fruit.png Miracle Fruit (Tradeable)
5x Fruit of the Goddess.png Fruit of the Goddess
Attribute Booster.png Attribute EXP Booster [1 Day]
Triple-Stacked Cheeseburger.png Triple-Stacked Cheeseburger
5x Jump Booster.png Jump Booster [All Area]
Amazing Digitary Power Stone.png Amazing Digitary Power Stone (+10%)
Amazing Renewal Increase Stone.png Amazing Renewal Increase Stone (+5)
10x Flame Feather of Zhuqiaomon.png Flame Feather of Zhuqiaomon
5x Glow Feather of Zhuqiaomon .png Glow Feather of Zhuqiaomon
5x Ember Feather of Zhuqiaomon.png Ember Feather of Zhuqiaomon
Crystal Red.png Crystal [Uprising Flame] [AT] +50% (2 hours)
Crystal Red.png Crystal [Uprising Flame] [HP] +50% (2 hours)
Crystal Red.png Crystal [Uprising Flame] [DS] +50% (2 hours)
Crystal Blue.png Crystal [Uprising Flame] [EXP] +1000% (2 hours)
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [DS] R9
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [DE] R9
Chipset G.png Chipset Box [HP] R9
Earring of Zhuqiamon.png Earring of Sealed Zhuqiaomon