Patch Jun03 2022
3rd June Patch Notes
Awakening of the Dark Moon Beast!
- After Agumon & Lalamon gone Ruin and Mutant. A new fellow is Ready to Join in! Gaomon!
- Much like Agumon and Lalamon, Gaomon will have a Ruin and Mutant Black Version.
- MirageGaomon Black Mutant will be the SSS Evolution after MirageGaogamon.
- MirageGaomon : Ruin Mode will be the SS+ Evolution after MirageGaomon : Burts Mode.
- Similar to Agumon and Lalamon, in order to get these Evolution you must collect their Summon Cards but this time, it drops in Oil Refinery maps by any Mob.
- The difficulty will be the same as past similar events in order to defeat them, these summons are usable in D-Terminal Summon Square.
- Upon defeating the Summon you may get Dark Energy Box - Beast Mutant. In here you can get various rewards including Ruin and Mutant evolution of Gaomon.
- Gaomon has been added into the Cash Shop for Purchase in case you did not start with him.
[Vengeful Event] Added <Vengeful Event>Final Reward Quest on DATS Seraphimon NPC, this quest can be done once and will be rewarding you with Vengeful Event Sigil for SSS Evolution exchange.