Patch 0.91

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Patch Version 0.91 - 2nd February 2021

Gameplay Changes

  • New Black Gear Digimons!

Black-Gear ShadowSeraphimon Black-Gear ShadowSeraphimon and Black-Gear Cherubimon Black-Gear Cherubimon are both now available in the game. Both Digimon can be unlocked by using the Black Gear Evolution Program.png Black Gear Evolution Program

Both Digimon will receive a 1.5x boost to their stats for 2 weeks. (Ends 16th of Feb 2021)

  • Twelve Generals - February
    • This month's Twelve Generals quest is not available to complete.
    • Completing all 12 monthly quests will reward you with an achievement, title and extra rewards!
The January Twelve Generals quest has now been removed.
The February Twelve Generals quest will be removed some time during the start of March.

Other changes

Cash Shop

  • Sale
    • The sale on the following items have now ended.
Backup Disk
Seal Opener
Seal Closer
Fruit of the Goddess
Fruit of Yggdrasil
Option Change Stone
Number Change Stone
  • Removed Items
    • The following limited time items have now been removed from the Cash Shop.
Omegamon Alter-S Package
Omegamon Alter-S Advanced Package
Fruit of Chaos
Reinforced Digiclone Cube
Enhancement Box