Patch 0.87

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Patch Version 0.87 - 08th January 2021



New Black Gear Evolutions have arrived!

Black-Gear Fujinmon Icon.png Black-Gear Fujinmon

Black-Gear TyrantKabuterimon Icon.png Black-Gear TyrantKabuterimon

Black-Gear Kuzuhamon Icon.png Black-Gear Kuzuhamon

  • These evolutions extend their current respective Burst Modes.
  • These evolutions can be unlocked using the Black Gear Evolution Program.png Black Gear Evolution Program.
  • The item has a chance to drop from Devimon (Devil Incarnate) in Infinite Mountain Dungeon. (Not ranking based)
  • Devimon (Devil Incarnate) raid in Infinite Mountain Dungeon has also been revamped.
  • The revamped Devimon (Devil Incarnate) raid will be reverted after maintenance on 15th January 2021.

Twelve Generals

Twelve Generals are back for this year! We will be introducing the monthly quests.

Completing each monthly quest will reward you with an achievement. Complete all 12 quests and you will unlock a title (with a brand buff) and some awesome rewards!
This month will be Mihiramon!
This quest will be removed after maintenance on 1st February 2021.

Gameplay Changes!

Raid Tokens

  • New Raid Token.png Raid Tokens have been added to the game. Upon defeating certain raids, you will be rewarded with a Raid Token.png Raid Token.
  • You can exchange these Raid Token.png Raid Tokens for raid drops from BanchouLeomon at DATS Center.


You will still be able to receive raid drops as usual from competing in raids, these  Raid Token.png Raid Tokens are just extra rewards for participation in the raids.

Raid Tokens will be dropping from these raids only:

MugenDramon (Epitome of Destruction)
Garurumon X (Frozen Beast)
Belphemon: Rage Mode (Demon Lord)

Infinite Mountain Dungeon

  • All raid monsters have increased HP.
  • All summon cards now have a 20 minute time limit to prevent stealing/hoarding.
  • Kuwagamon raid in Infinite Mountain Dungeon now spawns every hour instead of two hours.


  • Gizumon at Infinite Ice Wall now gives more EXP when killed.
  • This will be temporary until we can implement a better experience for new players.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players who discarded Hideout's Second Key would not be able to complete the quest Sneaking Through <Minato City, Wizardmon>
  • Fixed an issue with digicore exchange shop that would cause players to crash.
  • Megidramon's F1 skill ASB fixed.
  • Apocalymon (Psychic) animation time synced.

  • Adjustment was made on 10/01/2021
Bugs Fixed:
 -Fixed an issue where you would disconnect when unlocking all slots in your inventory
Gameplay Changes:
 Devimon Raid:
 -Devimon (Devil Incarnate) now has a 30 minute despawn timer
 -Devimon (Devil Incarnate) now spawns 3 minions instead of 5
 -Devimon (Devil Incarnate - Minions) have had their HP's slightly boosted to account for this
 -Devimon (Devil Incarnate - Minions) are slightly bigger for better visibility
 -Devimon (Devil Incarnate - Minions) now only silence for 15 seconds
Raid Token Exchange:
 -Adjusted exchange rates

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