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Informations about Myotismon

  • Myotismon has about 40,380,000 HP.
  • Myotismon is level 120.
  • Myotismon changes phases according to its remaining HP.
  • Myotismon uses different skills for each phase.
  • Unlike most of the Dungeon Raids, there’s no time limit to defeat Myotismon.
  • Myotismon is buffed with "Ambition of Dark Lord"
    • Ambition of Dark Lord.png Reduce Vaccine, Virus, Unknown attribute taken damage by 7%.
  • This raid use 5 different skills:
    • Crimson Lightning (Whip)
      • Inflict Fatal Venom Lv3 Debuff.
      • Base damage slightly different depends on Myotismon remaining HP.
      • 100%~74% HP, deal 11460 damage.
      • 60%~41% HP, deal 13567 damage.
      • 40%~1% HP, deal 14610 damage.
      • Cooldown 3 seconds.
    • "Charging" Debuff
      • Base damage and Debuff slightly different depends on Myotismon remaining HP.
      • 100%~74% HP, deal 7044 damage, inflict Nightmare Lv.3.png Nightmare Lv.3 Debuff.
      • 70%~61% HP, deal 7566 damage, inflict Nightmare Lv.3.png Nightmare Lv.4 Debuff.
      • 25%~1% HP, deal 8610 damage, inflict Nightmare Lv.3.png Nightmare Lv.4 Debuff.
    • "Floating" Debuff
      • Inflict Lapidification.png Petrify Lv.4 and Silence.png Silence Debuff.
      • Base damage slightly different depends on Myotismon remaining HP.
      • 100%~74% HP, deal 9132 damage.
      • 25%~1% HP, deal 11480 damage.
    • Nightmare Wave (Red Laser Bean)
      • Base damage slightly different depends on Myotismon remaining HP.
      • 73%~61% HP, deal 26090 damage.
      • 60%~40% HP, deal 28699 damage.
      • Cooldown is reset when Myotismon HP reaches 60%.
      • Cooldown 35 seconds.
    • High-Speed Dash
      • Inflict Nightmare Lv.3.png Nightmare Lv.4 and Silence.png Silence Debuff.
      • Myotismon will only use this skill when HP reaches specific %.
      • 73% HP, deal 52180 damage.
      • 72%~26% HP, deal 57398 damage.
      • 25% HP, deal 62616 damage.
      • Skill damage is reduced and divided by the number of players that attacked Myotismon.
      • Cooldown 60 seconds.

Myotismon's Battle Phase

  • Myotismon uses a different combination of skill depends on it's HP.
  • Myotismon will only use a certain skill in a different range of HP.
  • When Myotismon's skill is reset, the cooldown will be reset too.
    • 100%~74% HP, Myotismon uses "Crimson Lightning (Whip)", "Floating Debuff" and "Charging Debuff" skills.
    • At exactly 73% HP, Myotismon skill is reset and uses "Nightmare Wave (Red laser bean)" and "High-Speed Dash" skills.
    • 73%~61% HP, Myotismon uses "Nightmare Wave (Red Laser Bean)" and "Charging Debuff"' skills.
    • At exactly 60% HP, Myotismon's skill is reset and uses "Nightmare Wave (Red Laser Bean)" skill.
    • 60%~26% HP, Myotismon uses "Crimson Lightning (Whip)" and "Nightmare Wave (Red Laser Bean)" skills.
    • At exactly 25% HP, Myotismon skill is reset and uses "Floating Debuff" and "High-Speed Dash" skills.
    • 24%~1% HP, Myotismon uses "Crimson Lightning (Whip)", "Floating Debuff", "Charging Debuff" and "High-Speed Dash" skills.

Important Note

  • Myotismon's skill is Darkness attribute.
  • Skill Damage done by Myotismon is effected by the Nightmare Lv.3.png Nightmare Lv.3 and Nightmare Lv.3.png Nightmare Lv.4 Debuff.
  • When Nightmare Lv.3.png Nightmare Lv.4 Debuff is inflicted, damage done by Myotismon's "Crimson Lightning (Whip)" will deal extra 100%.
    • Myotismon's "Crimson Lightning (Whip)" will now deal 22920/27134/29220 instead to the player.
  • Myotismon will NOT stop using his skills until it's defeated.