Megidramon (Rage)

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Megidramon (Rage)


90% - Blue - Split - Tank buster (35 sec cd + resets)

Bro loves to spam Blues and Split (cba to count how much)

80% - 65%-40%-25% - Tower , Each person focus on one tower. Make sure to burst Skill tower on priority (have strong DPS here) followed by Def tower.

60% - Stacks (Repeats every 35 sec even during towers , so careful) keep an eye on the cooldown.

30% - Safezone circles (Green) - These actually 1 shot unlike Beelze

10% - Absolute DPS check , harder than beelze (90% reduction) , 1min till wipe.

If you have OX ,

Hitting the tower from b/w two towers can hit them both. Useful for insta killing two towers or helping your weaker DPS.