Lost on the Beach

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Lost on the Beach
Quest Type Daily Quest
Tamer Level 47
Given by Lopmon
at File Island Waterfront
Rewarded by Lopmon
at File Island Waterfront
There used to be lots of pretty pebbles around here. You couldn't find those on the beach, so we used to get them as gifts from the mountains.
But, since Rapidmons and Arkadimons appeared on the beach, those pebbles just vanished.
Defeat Rapidmons and Arkadimons. Recover the Lost Pebbles for us.
Collect 15 Gray Beach Pebbles from Rapidmons or Arkadimons

Tamer Exp: 100,000
Digimon Exp: 1,000,000
Bits: 800 Currency Bit.png
Misc. Info
• Your digimon must be at least level 74 to do this quest.