List of Changes
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Battle Gameplay
- Advance Skill-Breaking (ASB) Removed
- Digimon are splitted into Skill-based,Auto Attack-based & Tank types.
- New Stat for Skill Damage % to make them more useful.
- Tank Digimon System, enemies will now aggro them if someone use a Tank based Digimon.
- Minor buffs to drop rates of certain Digieggs.
- All mobs that drop Mercenary Eggs now have a chance to drop Lv.4 Reinforced Eggs.
- Data Egg Scans can drop up to 3 Data per Egg.
- Seal Drop Rates and Quantities increased.
- New custom items including Accessories.
- New end of Questline Rewards.
- Movespeed increase.
- Increased Bit-drops.
- Guild Skill System.
- All Mobs (except certain Raids) in Verdandi can drop X-Tickets.
- Daily Quests in Verdandi that gives X-Tickets.
- Daily Quests that gives you Boko Book Pages to craft Books.
- Hard Mode Reward Boxes of EDG/ZDG/BDG/QDG have been adjusted. The Crystals arent dropping from the Box anymore, the last Boss of the Dungeon have a chance to drop their respective Crystal. Pity system for Crystals
- Fanglongmon Dungeon has been reworked to match difficulty of the game.
- Accessories for Fanglongmon Dungeon have been reworked.
- Royal Base Normal Mode have been adjusted.
Digimon and Classifications
- You can increase the Size of your Starter Digimon.
- The Starter Digimon (Agumon/Lalamon/Gaomon/Falcomon) are on hatch lv5 at the start and can use the Transcendence System once they reached 125%.
- Digimons Rebalanced (Adjusted Ranks + Stats).
- All Burst Modes (besides a few exceptions) are S+, no matter what.
- A new set of evolutions: Black Gear Evolution
- The Digimon Meta game is not the same as it was in DMO.
- Recolours of already existing Digimon.
- Custom Digimon (Sukamon).
- Quick Evolutions for serval Digimon.
- Individual Atrribute-based Jogress Animations.
- Custom Events, Raids + Quests.
- Increased spawns for certain mobs in certain maps.
- Drop Rate of Yin & Yang pieces in Verdandi has been massively improved.
- New Starting Map + Tutorial Quests.
- Chance for Random BM Box to drop from mobs on Server Continent Maps
- Chance for Tamer Exchanges to drop from mobs on Verdandi/Odaiba.
- 12*Player Guild Dungeons (IMD2.0) are now a thing.
- 8*Player Guild Dungeons (Green Zone Nightsky) are now a thing.
- End Game dungeons.
Cash Shop
- Some digimon that originally had very bad obtainment methods, such as being in Cash Promotion Event, are now obtainable in Perma Content and/or Lootboxes during certain Events.
- Added Pity System for any SSS/SSS+ Digimon which is obtainable through a Lootbox
- Some Digimon are just on the cash shop to buy, like Ophanimon Falldown Mode, Sleipmon X, Beelzemon X, Plesiomon/Aegismon, Examon, Mastemon,...
Quality of Life
- New Maze navigation NPCs.
- Boosted Maze Quest Item rates.
- No loading screens when moving within maps.
- Use up to 10 Monster Cards at once (Custom DMW setting under "Interface").
- Accessory Enchantment modifications (Removed animation).
- DigiClone modifications (Removed animation).
- Custom skill cooldown display and settings for it.
- Increased server tick-rate.
- Increase Camera Distance.
- Filter for the Magnetic ID Card have been added.
- Clean UI Toggle Button have been added.
- Movement Toggle Button have been added.
- Rainbow Bridge Truck position has been adjusted.
- Exchange to obtain a Box which includes all 10 Shining Spirits of KaiserGreymon/MagnaGarurumon have been added.
- DMW Village is a revamped version of the Old Yokohama Map and will be used as the new starting point for new Tamers. The Map is currently accessible through the Cellphone NPC at entrance to DATS Center.
- New Starter Map (City of Beginnings) have been added to help new players who are just starting the game. The Map is accessible through the Portal behind Birdramon in DMW Village.
- Custom/Perma Beginner Gear to help new players.
- Custom Beginner Dungeon to learn the basic Dungeon mechs (Gizumon Dungeon at Maze Entrance).
- Master Membership is tradeable.
- Scale-able (but fixed) Inventory (Custom DMW setting under Interface).
- Hide settings to remove lags in Raids (Custom DMW setting under Interface).
- Changeable UI color [Dark Mode] (Custom DMW setting under Interface).
- Lottery System.
- Fog effect on certain Maps/Dungeons have been removed.