Level Up Guide

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For any kind of leveling having full party in same level range is crucial. In DMW you gets bonus EXP for having full party. When leveling its highly adviced to use those items/clothes liste below in order to level up digis as fast as possible:

  • Newbie's Yellow Soccer Uniform.png Newbie's Yellow Soccer Uniform
  • Amplification Booster.png Amplification Booster +1000 [Event]
  • Grace of Challenge EXP +1000%.png Grace of Challenge [EXP] +1000% (any type of exp boost from dungeons)
  • Futuristic Battle Suit Top.png Full Futuristic Battle clothing set

Exclamation Mark.png Note: The bigger difference beetwen party member level the less experience they will be getting. It caps at 7 levels difference, when there is 8 level difference beetwen party members they wont get any experience from each other.

Level 1-100

Digimon Map Level
Gizumon AT Icon.png Gizumon AT Infinite Ice Wall 72-76
Any Digimon Digimon Maze F3 82-85
MetalTyrannomon Icon.png MetalTyrannomon Shinjuku East Area (Night) 118-120

Level 1-114

Digimon Map Level
Any Digimon Digimon Maze F3 82-85
MetalTyrannomon Icon.png MetalTyrannomon Shinjuku East Area (Night) 118-120

Level 100-114

Digimon Map Level
Any Digimon Digimon Maze F3 82-85
MetalTyrannomon Icon.png MetalTyrannomon Shinjuku East Area (Night) 118-120
SealsDramon Icon.png SealsDramons / Yasyamon Icon.png Yaksamons Odaiba 118-120

Level 100-120

Digimon Map Level
MetalTyrannomon Icon.png MetalTyrannomon Shinjuku East Area (Night) 118-120
Any Digimon Minato City 114-116
SealsDramon Icon.png SealsDramons / Yasyamon Icon.png Yaksamons Odaiba 118-120

Level 114-120

Digimon Map Level
MetalTyrannomon Icon.png MetalTyrannomon Shinjuku East Area (Night) 118-120
Any Digimon Minato City 114-116
SealsDramon Icon.png SealsDramons / Yasyamon Icon.png Yaksamons Odaiba 118-120

Info.png Note: Its recommend to clone you Digimon before going to level up in odaiba. Mobs there hits hard have 70 000+ HP and use skill so unclonned digimon can die easily.