Keenan Krier

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Keenan Krier

(野口 イクト Noguchi Ikuto)

Keenan Krier

How opposed to the other members of DATS, Marcus Damon, Yoshino Fujieda, and Thomas H. Norstein, Keenan did not live in the human world, nor did he originally have a particular liking for it. Though originally born on Earth to the DATS scientists Kevin and Michelle Krier, he was accidentally transported to the Digital World as an infant. In the Digital World, he was raised by a Frigimon. Keenan, like most archetypal wild people, refers to himself with a "me" instead of an "I", despite the fact that the Digimon he grew up with have proper vocabulary. Following her death, he was raised by Merukimon. He believes in defending the peace of the Digital World, and also believed that humans were nothing but a threat to it, possibly due to Kurata's attack. Despite his young age, Keenan has great fighting skill (many of his moves mirror the ninja-like aspects of Falcomon). He wields a boomerang, and wears a cape and a necklace adorned with feathers, and also has facepaint.

When Keenan was transported to the Digital World as an infant, he was protected by Falcomon and a Frigimon. He was sickly as a young boy; at one point Frigimon went to find medicine left behind by humans that had been in the Digital World. But after nursing him back to health, the evil scientist Kurata came to the Digital World to try and annihilate the Digimon in an act of genocide. Though Kurata was eventually defeated, he was able to destroy many Digimon, amongst them was Keenan's Frigimon mother, who was destroyed before his very eyes while trying to protect him. This event is crucial to Keenan's hatred of humanity, as he came to believe that all humans were evil and became dedicated to defending the Digital World from them.

  • Game Description about Keenan Krier

A boy who has grown up in the Digital World. The son of Kevin Krier, he is a renowned researcher in Super Dimensions. He grew up in the Digital World after he was separated from his parents due to a tragic accident. Naturally, he came to believe that he is a Digimon.

HP Health Points 80
DS Digi-Soul 90
DE Defense 1
AT Attack 10

Shock!.png Shock 2 minutes cooldown
Critical hit damage increase by 100% for 30 seconds.
  • Passive Skills

Keenan’s Anger.png Rage of Keenan

AT 5% increased for Vaccine.png Vaccine Attribute Digimon.

Keenan’s Anger.png Rage of Keenan

AT 10% increased for None.png NoData Attribute Digimon.