Kaiser's Laboratory (Armor)

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A place to create a Chimairamon experiments.

  • To enter this instance, it is required to have 1 Kaiser's Laboratory Warp Event Dungeon.png Kaiser's Laboratory Warp [Event Dungeon] which is only in certain Events obtainable.
  • Kaiser's Laboratory is situated on Dark Tower Wasteland.

Info.png Note: You have 30 minutes time limit and a maximum of 5 deaths to clear this dungeon.

Kaiser's Laboratory Instance Dungeon.png
About this image


BanchouLeomon Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Strong against Virus - weak against Data Fire: is strong against Ice (× 25) - weak against Water (× -25) - somewhat strong against Fire (× 10) HP: ??? Level(s): 110

DarkDramon Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) HP: ??? Level(s): 110

Kimeramon Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Fire: is strong against Ice (× 25) - weak against Water (× -25) - somewhat strong against Fire (× 10) HP: ??? Level(s): 110

Chaosmon Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) HP: ??? Level(s): 110

Kimeramon Drop List

1x Intact Data Laboratory.png Intact Data of Laboratory

Chaosmon Drop List

1x Special Data of Laboratory.png Special Data of Laboratory
1x Bug Data Bancholeomon.png Bug Data: Bancholeomon (not guaranteed drop)
1x Bug Data DarkDramon.png Bug Data: DarkDramon (not guaranteed drop)
1x X-AntibodyFactor Magnamon.png X-Antibody Factor: Magnamon (not guaranteed drop)
1x Purple.png MS Attribute 1~12% (not guaranteed drop)

Box Drop

Intact Data Laboratory.png Intact Data of Laboratory

1x Egg of Miracle 100%.png Egg of Miracle
1x Worn Miraculous Digi-egg Box.png Worn Miraculous Digi-egg Box
5x Random Reinforced DigiClone D~S CB.png Reinforced DigiClone Set
5x Fruit of Yggdrasil CB.png Fruit of Yggdrasil
5x Backup Disk CB.png Backup Disk
20x Double Chicken Combo.png Double Chicken Combo
1x ChipSet Green.png Chipset Box [HP] R9
1x ChipSet Green.png Chipset Box [DS] R9
1x ChipSet Green.png Chipset Box [AT] R9
1x ChipSet Green.png Chipset Box [DE] R9
1x ChipSet Green.png Chipset Box [HT] R9
1x ChipSet Green.png Chipset Box [CT] R9
1x ChipSet Green.png Chipset Box [EV] R9

Special Data of Laboratory.png Special Data of Laboratory

1x Title.png [Archievment] Kimeramon's Power
3~5x Random Reinforced DigiClone D~S CB.png Random Reinforced DigiClone D~S
3~5x Special Chicken Combo.png Special Chicken Combo
3~5x Seal Opener CB R.png Seal Opener
5x Red Light of Life1.png Red Light of Life
5x Blue Light of DigiSoul.png Blue Light of Soul
5x RandomDATA Low CB.png RandomDATA Box Low Class