Guide:Susanoomon Farm

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-[ Susanoomon Farm ]-

[ Requirements: ]

- Access to Verdandi Terminal

[ Important possible Drops ]

- Bokomon's Page of Knowledge.png Bokomon's Page of Knowledge
- Kaiser's Spirit Box.png Kaiser's Spirit Box
- Magna's Spirit Box.png Magna's Spirit Box

Info.png Note: Only the Susanoomon Raid can drop the Spirit Box

[ How to farm ]

1. Defeat KaiserGreymon and MagnaGarurumon Raids in Verdandi Terminal, there will spawn serval Susanoomon after defeating 200 of both (there will be a spawn-counter if the last 20 of them has to be defeated). It's easier with many people so look out or ask for a "Susano Farm" per Shout.
2. There is usually a order in which the Susanoomon will be defeated, you can find below the order + spawn spots of them;

Susa Farm.png