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-[ Rafflesimon Jogress Guide ]-


- Lv70+ Tamer.
- Any Digimon Lvl 70+.

Floramon Quests

  1. Pick up the quest "A call from Richard Samson" from Calumon <Jogress> in Dats.
  2. Talk to Richard Sampson <DATS Leader> in DATS Center and afterwards, near him, talk to the Yoshino <Jogress Quest>, Thomas <Jogress Quest> and Marcus <Jogress Quest>.
  3. Go to Lost Historic Site to talk with Yoshino. If the part "Move to Lost Historic Site" is not completed, try to enter the Lost Historic Site from Silent Forest portal.
  4. Collect 3x Yellow Tropical Plant, 3x Red Tropical Plant and 3x Purple tropical Plant (you just need hit the huge plants with your Digimon) and return to Yoshino. Now Palmon <Jogress Quest> will appear.
  5. Talk to the Palmon <Jogress Quest> and after with Floramon <Jogress Quest>, he will give you a summon card. Enter on Duel Sphere via Floramon and use this card and defeat Floramon and Palmon (they are both level 70).
  6. After the duel, talk to Floramon, Palmon, Marcus and Yoshino. You will be teleported to Silver Lake.
  7. Talk to Palmon, Floramon, Rafflesiamon and Marcus. You will be teleported at Lost Historic Site.
  8. Talk to Floramon, defeat 20 Waspmon and 20 Dokugumon, return to Floramon. TigerVespamon <Jogress Quest> and Parasimon <Jogress Quest> will appear near you. 
  9. Talk to TigerVespamon and he will give you the card to use in the Duel Sphere. Enter once again and use the card to spawn 2 CannonBeemon, 1 TigerVespamon and 2 Parasimon (they are all level 80).
  10. After duel, talk to TyrantKabuterimon <Jogress Quest> and he will give you a summon card. Talk to him again to enter the Duel Sphere and summon him (he is level 85).
  11. After the duel, talk with TyrantKabuterimon and Floramon.
  12. Go to Silver Lake and talk with Rafflesimon <Jogress Quest>.
  13. Talk to Yoshino, Marcus and again with Rafflesimon. You will be teleported to Oil Refinery-2.
  14. Talk to Yoshino, defeat 20 Guardromon and 20 Sinduramon, afterwards, return to Marcus. 
  15. Talk with Yoshino and use the summon card she gave you in the Duel Sphere. (talk with her to enter) The card summons 5 Gizumon AT (they are level 70) .
  16. After the duel, talk to the Akihiro Kurata <Jogress Quest> and he will give you a summon card. Talk to him again to enter the Duel Sphere and summon 2 Chaosdramon, 2 Gizumon XT and 1 Gizumon AT (level 80 and 90).
  17. After the duel, talk with Akihiro Kurata, Marcus and Yoshino and go to Silver Lake.
  18. Talk to Rafflesiamon, Yoshino, Palmon and Floramon to receive Rafflesimon's Digicore Quest Item. Afterwards, you will be teleported to DATS Center.[Currently bugged you will be teleported to File Island Water Front instead!]
  19. Talk to Richard Sampson, Yoshino and Marcus. Talk to the White-Bearded Guru <Extraordinary Evolution> at DATS.
  20. Deliver the Quest item to Nanomon (Item Craft) to receive the Rafflesimon Data Core Lotusmon.png Rafflesimon : Data Core - Lotusmon. Use it to unlock the Rafflesimon evolution for Floramon.

Palmon (Original) Quests

There is no quest for Palmon, you just need have Rafflesimon Data Core Rosemon.png Rafflesimon: Data Core - Rosemon and use it to unlock the evolution. You can obtain this item from an Event or the Cash Shop during limited times.
  • You should now have the ability to Digivolve to Rafflesimon.


  • You may use any Digimon to kill the enemies required for the quests..
  • If the timer runs out before you finish the summon kills, you can Give Up the quest and re-take it for additional Summon Cards.
  • Be aware Rafflesimon is a Jogress, this means they require a Jogress Chip to evolve into and a Digiaura (optional) if you don't want to risk running out of DS.
  • For Step 6-7, the NPC's you're looking for are located in front of the 'Unknown Forest' Part of the map.
  • Many of the quests for this line are bugged and you're likely to disconnect multiple times, People have noted on Quests 7,10, and 12 most commonly.