Guide:Omegamon X

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-[ Omegamon X Jogress Guide ]-


  -Agumon (Classic) Lv99 with Omegamon and WarGreymon X unlocked. 
  -Tamer Lv99

Quest Detail

  1. Talk to Calumon <Jogress> at Dats Center.
  2. Talk to Magnamon <Royal Knights> at Versandi Terminal. 
  3. Defeat 5 of Dorumon, Dracmon, Kunemon, and FanBeemon.
      - This is a daily quest which rewards you with 2 Anti-Heterogen Boxes. The Box will give you 1 Anti Heterogen.png Anti-Heterogen Voucher after scanning.
  4. Collect 10 Anti Heterogen.png Anti-Heterogen Voucher and talk to Magnamon <Royal Knights>.
  5. Talk to Gallantmon <Royal Knights>.
  6. Defeat 1 Gallantmon <Jogress Quest>.
  7. Defeat 3 Okuwamon.
  8. Defeat 5 of Dorumon, Dorugamon, and DoruGreymon. 
      -  This is a daily quest which rewards you with 2 X-Antibody Data Boxes. The Box will give you 1 X-Evolution Disk.png X-Evolution Disk after scanning.
  9. Collect 10 X-Evolution Disk.png X-Evolution Disk and talk to Magnamon <Royal Knights>
  10. Defeat 1 Dorugoramon raid boss.
  11. Defeat 10 DexDoruGreymon .
      - This is a daily quest which rewards you with 2 Death-X Data Boxes.  The Box will give you 1 Death-X Disk.png Death-X Disk after scanning.
  12. Collect 10 Death-X Disk.png Death-X Disk and talk to Magnamon <Royal Knights>.
  13. Talk to Alphamon Ouryuken <Legend of Royal Knights> inside Royal Base (Yggdrasil's Room).
  14. Defeat 1 Dexmon raid boss inside Royal Base.
  15. Collect 10 Yggdrasil's Records.png Yggdrasil's Record.
  16. Talk to Gallantmon <Royal Knights> NPC. You will receive 1 Omegamon’s Chance of Evolution.png Omegamon’s Chance of Evolution as a reward.

  • All of the Quest Materials are required to produce a X-Antibody Factor Omegamon-Alpha.png X-Antibody Factor : Omegamon – Alpha at X - Antibody Factor Exchange. This item is needed to unlock Omegamon X for the Agumon (Classic) line.
  • The quests require you to collect 10 Anti Heterogen.png Anti-Heterogen, 10 X-Evolution Disk.png X-Evolution Disk & 10 Death-X Disk.png Death-X Disk. However, you will also need an additional 20 of them in order to produce a X-Antibody Factor Omegamon-Alpha.png X-Antibody Factor : Omegamon – Alpha, meaning that you have to collect 30 of them in total. (It will take you 25 Days in total if you dont miss any Daily Quest)
  • You will also need 90 WarriorCore.png Warrior Code to be able to craft X-Antibody Factor Omegamon-Alpha.png X-Antibody Factor : Omegamon – Alpha. WarriorCore.png Warrior Core can be obtained by defeating the Omegamon X Boss which you can be summoned with the Random Monster Card.png Supreme Evolution Summon Card in the Monster Card Dungeon.
  • Random Monster Card.png Supreme Evolution Summon Card can be obtained after clearing Colo Hero Round 10-11-12-13 from the Reward Box
  • To be able to use Omegamon X, you will also need a X-Antibody Factor Omegamon-Beta.png X-Antibody Factor : Omegamon – Beta for the Gabumon line. The item is obtainable by scanning the Mysterious X-Antibody Factor Box [Omegamon X] from cash shop.

X-Antibody Factor Material Items Cost of Making Success Rate
X-Antibody Factor Omegamon-Alpha.png X-Antibody Factor : Omegamon – Alpha Omegamon’s Chance of Evolution.png Omegamon’s Chance of Evolution x1
Anti Heterogen.png Anti-Heterogen x20
X-Evolution Disk.png X-Evolution Disk x20
Death-X Disk.png Death-X Disk x20
Yggdrasil's Records.png Yggdrasil's Records x20
WarriorCore.png Warrior Core x90
5 Currency Tera.png 100%