Guide:Omegamon Alter-B

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-[ Omegamon Alter-B Jogress Guide ]-

How it works

- You will need 30x Berserk Core.png Berserk Core in order to craft Black Digitron - Sample A.png Black Digitron - Sample A
- You will need 2x Undetermined Black Digitron.png Undetermined Black Digitron in order to craft Black Digitron - Sample B.png Black Digitron - Sample B
  Both can be crafted at the UlforceVeedramon Future Mode Npc in Dats Center


  1. In order to obtain 2x Undetermined Black Digitron.png Undetermined Black Digitron, you have to complete the Quests "The Berserker".
  Talk to Calumon <Jogress> at Dats Center and take both "The Berserk" Quests.
  - In the first Quest you have to kill 20x Dukemon (Shinjuku Protector), 20x MegaGalgomon (Shinjuku Protector), 20x Sakuyamon (Shinjuku Protector) and 
  20x Alphamon Ouryuken X from Colosseum Hero R13
  - In the second Quest you have to obtain 100x Proof of Knowledge.png Proof of Knowledge and 200x Scattered Black Digitron.png ScatteredBlack Digitron which drops from any Mob at Minato City
  (the Quiz can be found at the bottom of your screen)
  2. In order to obtain Berserk Core.png Berserk Core, you have to complete the Dungeon Berserk Arena.