Fanglongmon (Raid)

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Fanglongmon (Raid)

Recommended Stats

  • 45k++ HP
  • 6-7k HT
  • 200% CT
  • 350%+ CD

Recommended Digimon

  • Digimon with a Burst AoE such as Lilithmon X, Craniumon X and Omegamon X are recommended.

Battle Infos

  • Fanglongmon has about 96,000,000 HP.
  • Fanglongmon is level 120.
  • Fanglongmon is buffed with "Annihilation Countdown"
    • Annihilation Countdown.png After 10 minutes, everyone will be exposed to total extinction.
  • Fanglongmon will NOT stop using skills until it's defeated.
  • This raid use 5 different skills:
    • Watch and learn from the true ruler. (Ground Target Circle)
      • Fanglongmon used this skill 6 times consecutively to a random player that deal damage to Fanglongmon.
      • Player inside the Circle will be damaged.
      • 12.000 base damage.
      • Inflict 4th degree burn.png 4th-Degree Burn Debuff. (Since Fanglongmon isn't fire attribute, the damage increase effect will not be applied. However, you will still take the DOT effect and the movement speed decrease.)
      • Cooldown 45 seconds.
    • Go back to where you came from! (Small Target Circle)
      • Fanglongmon will begin to use this skill when HP below 70%.
      • Target 1 random player that deal damage to Fanglongmon.
      • Damage is divided by the number of players inside the small circle.
      • 80,000 base damage.
      • 40,000 damage (Overlap by 2 players)
      • 30,000 damage (Overlap by 3 players)
      • 20,000 damage (Overlap by 4 players)
      • Cooldown 35 seconds.
    • A mere weak existence! (Big Target Circle)
      • Fanglongmon will always use this skill after "Watch and learn from the true ruler" skill.
      • Target Up to 2 random players that deal damage to Fanglongmon.
      • Damage is multiplied by the numbers of players that overlap the circle.
      • 12,000 base damage.
      • 24,000 damage (Overlap by 2 players)
      • 36,000 damage (Overlap by 3 players)
      • 48,000 damage (Overlap by 4 players)
    • Do you dare to stand against hundreds of disasters at once?
      • Fanglongmon will begin to use this skill when HP below 50%.
      • Several blue circles will randomly appear on the map.
      • Player inside the center circle of the skill or one of the blue circles will be damaged.
      • 30,000 base damage.
      • Inflict with Return Debuff.png Silence + Slow Debuff.
      • Cooldown 30 seconds.
    • It is time for you to go back to non-existence.
      • Fanglongmon will begin to use this skill once it reach the time limit of 10 minutes.
      • Countdown for this skill is being calculated soon as Fanglongmon got attacked.
      • Target every player on the map and instant kill regardless of the Digimon remaining HP.
      • Fanglongmon begin to "recharge" for 50 seconds before the skill is used.
      • While recharge, Fanglongmon will not uses any other skill until this skill is executed.