Ebonwumon(Hard Mode)

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Informations about Ebonwumon (Raid)

  • Ebonwumon has about 18.720.000 HP.
  • Ebonwumon is level 120.
  • Ebonwumon changes phases according to its remaining HP.
  • Ebonwumon uses different skills for each phase.
  • Time limit for killing it is 10 minutes.
  • This raid use 5 different skills:
    • Enjoy your approaching defeat. (Normal Area skill)
      • Player Close to Ebonwumon will be damaged.
      • 100%~91% HP, deals 6,000 damage.
      • Cooldown: 27 seconds.
    • The floor of death will encroach on the Real World. It might be better to experience it first. (Poison Circle)
      • Players inside a purple circle will be damaged for 8.000 damage per second.
      • Leave it as fast as you can.
      • 90%~71% HP.
      • 39%~7% HP.
      • Cooldown: 30 seconds (every 30 seconds in respective HP range skill is used).
    • Remember what trust you lost. (Small Circle skill [Megaseadramon])
      • Players inside the Circle will be damaged.
      • The damage is divided by the amount of players in the circle.
      • 71%~69% HP, x1 player 60.000, x2 players 45.000, x3 players 30.000, x4 players 15.000 deals damage.
      • 49%~40% HP, x1 player 60.000, x2 players 45.000, x3 players 30.000, x4 players 15.000 deals damage.
      • Cooldown: 38 seconds.
    • Anticipate the cruel disappointment and anger I felt. (Big Circle skill [MarineDevimon])
      • Players inside the Circle will be damaged.
      • The damage is increased by the amount of players in the circle.
      • One or two hitters = 1 circle, three or more hitters = 2 cricles
      • 69%~49% HP, x1 player 15.000, x2 players 30.000, x3 players 45.000, x4 players 60.000 deals damage.
      • Cooldown: 34 seconds.
    • Go,the warriors of madness(Spawn of 2 Mini MarinDevimons)
      • Ebonwumon spawns two Marine Devimons.
      • Mini MarineDevimons will charge attack for 15 seconds, after that they will inflict damage of 24,700, per 1 Mini MarineDevimon.

Exclamation Mark.png Note: If 2 digimons on 2 circles that's 60.000, 3 digimons that's 90.000,4 digimons that's 120.000. damage

Best Strategy

When Ebonwumon reaches below 90% HP it will begin creating Poison Fields. The Player targeted by the Skill should run away from the group, to ensure the battlefield doesn't get stacked with Poison. At 80% HP, the player group has to stack for MegaSeadramon Skill (small circle) When Ebonwumon hits 70-50% HP, the group should spread out, as it begins to use MarinDevimon Skill (large circle). At 50% HP Ebonwumon will once again use MegaSeadramon Skill, so stack on top of each other. Below 40% he will begin to use Poison Skill again. The Player thats targeted should run from the Boss, to make sure the group doesn't stay in the poison. At 10% HP everyone must hit ebonwumon, to make sure they get out before MarinDevimon AOE Skill hits.


Four Holy Beast Dungeon Box.png Water Crystal Chest - Xuanwumon [Hard]

5 Ebonwumon Blue Power Drink.png Xuanwumon Blue Aquatic Drink (heal 7,500 HP)
5 Ebonwumon Red Power Drink.png Xuanwumon Red Aquatic Drink (heal 7,500 DS)
1-2 Crystal Red.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [AT] +50% (2 hours)
1-2 Crystal Red.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [HP] +50% (2 hours)
1-2 Crystal Red.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [DS] +50% (2 hours)
1-2 Crystal Blue.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [Movement Speed] +35% (1 minute)
1-2 Crystal Red.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [Skill Damage] +100% (1 minute)
1-2 Crystal Red.png Shiny Water Crystal Buff [Critical Damage] +100% (1 minute)
1 Chipset Box.png Chipset Box [HP] R10
1 Chipset Box.png Chipset Box [AT] R10
1 Xuanwumon Sealed Shiny Ring.png Sealed Xuanwumon Shiny Ring
1 Xuanwumon's Aquatic Hooded Shirt.png Xuanwumon's Aquatic Hooded Shirt (30 Days)
1 Xuanwumon's Aquatic Gloves.png Xuanwumon's Aquatic Gloves (30 Days)
300 Seal Icon.png Xuanwumon Seal
1-3 Jack Frost of Water Crystal.png Jack Frost of Water Crystal