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ChipSets can be obtained by scanning Rare DigiEggs or at Dungeons . Chipsets can be subdivided primarily into two types: The two types are "Family" Chips which are locked to only certain types such as Virus Buster or Dark Army. The other Type of chip is called "All Family" this chip type is not locked to any family and its able to be used with any Digimon. If you have a Digivice you can use the ChipSets there.

Information about the ChipSets

Most ChipSets are family chipsets and always only increase the status of a corresponding family by upgrading a certain attribute.
These attributes include HP(Health Points), DS(Digisoul), AT(Attack), HT(Hit Rate), CT(Critical), EV (Evansion) and DF(Defense).
ChipSet Att = Indicates which family the ChipSet is acting on.
Digimon Att = Indicates the current family (s) of the Digimon.
ChipSet Lv = Specifies the what level is required to use the chipset
Digimon Lv = Indicates what level is required of the digimon to use the chipset.
Unlike family chipsets , the "All Family chipsets" are not limited to a particular family,
but work for each Digimon that has reached the minimum level for this ChipSet. You can find the All Family ChipSets in every Rare DigiEgg

ChipSet R

You can purchase different types of ChipSet R at "Akihiro Kurata (Chipset Store)" in Dats Center as well as from various dungeons, Tokyo-Odaiba drops, and Odaiba Raid boxes. This type of chipset can be upgraded at Digitamamon (Item Make)

Maximum number for Family ChipSet R

Deep Savers.pngDragon's Roar.pngJungle Troopers.pngMetal Empire.pngNature Spirits.pngNightmare Soldiers.pngUnknownFam.pngVirus Busters.pngWind Guardians.pngDark Area.png

Stats R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16
Max HP +135 +269 +404 +538 +672 +807 +941 +1076 +1210 +1344 +1479 +1613 +1749 +1882 +2016 +2151
Max DS +120 +240 +360 +480 +600 +720 +840 +960 +1080 +1200 +1320 +1440 +1560 +1680 +1800 +1920
Attack +20 +39 +58 +77 +97 +115 +135 +153 +173 +192 +211 +230 +250 +268 +288 +306
Defense +15 +27 +41 +56 +68 +82 +94 +108 +123 +135 +149 +163 +177 +190 +202 +216
Hit Rate +25 +50 +75 +100 +125 +150 +175 +200 +225 +250 +275 +300 +325 +350 +375 +400
Critical +0.25% +0.5% +0.75% +1% +1.25% +1.5% +1.75% +2% +2.25% +2.5% +2.75% +3% +3.25% +3.5% +3.75% +4.00%
Evade +0.25% +0.5% +0.75% +1% +1.25% +1.5% +1.75% +2% +2.25% +2.5% +2.75% +3% +3.25% +3.5% +3.75% +4.00%

Maximum number for All Family ChipSet R

HP Chipset.pngAT Chip.pngDSoul Chipset.pngDE Chipset.pngCT Chip All.pngEV Chip All.png

Stats R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16
Max HP +108 +215 +323 +430 +537 +645 +752 +860 +968 +1075 +1183 +1290 +1398 +1505 +1612 +1720
Max DS +96 +192 +288 +384 +480 +576 +672 +768 +864 +960 +1056 +1152 +1248 +1344 +1440 +1536
Attack +16 +31 +46 +61 +77 +92 +108 +122 +138 +153 +168 +184 +200 +216 +230 +244
Defense +12 +21 +32 +44 +54 +65 +75 +86 +98 +108 +119 +131 +140 +152 +161 +172
Hit Rate +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 +120 +140 +160 +180 +200 +220 +240 +260 +280 +300 +320
Critical +0.2% +0.4% +0.6% +0.8% +1% +1.2% +1.4% +1.6% +1.8% +2% +2.2% +2.4% +2.6% +2.8% +3.0% +3.2%
Evade +0.2% +0.4% +0.6% +0.8% +1% +1.2% +1.4% +1.6% +1.8% +2% +2.2% +2.4% +2.6% +2.8% +3.0% +3.2%