Vikaralamon Dungeon (Hard)

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Vikarlamon Dungeon located on Shinjuku Western Area (Day).

In this dungeon you can challenge Vikaralamon, you have to beat Vikaralamon [Normal] in order to complete the Main Quest Line in Shinjuku.
However, you can challenge Vikaralamon [Hard] in order to obtain Powerful Rewards and Material for upgrading the D-Ark Vice.

Raid Boss

Vikaralamon Icon.png Vikaralamon (Deva)

Recommended Digimon

AAA.png = ShadowMedievalGallantmonGankoomon X

SK Icon.png = Omegamon XSusanoomon (Shin)Jesmon XRafflesimon

Recommended Stats

Info.png Note: Those stats can usually only be reached if you own a full Perfect Set of the Fanglongmon's Ancient Gear & Royal : X-Knight's Bracelet

AAA.png / SK Icon.png

  • 45k+++ HP
  • 7k HT
  • 200% CT
  • 350%+ CD


  • Obtain the following item when Vikaralamon (Deva) is defeated.
5-8x Piece of Vikaralamon.png Essence of Vikaralamon
3-5x Essence of Vikaralamon N.png Essence of Vikaralamon
1x VikaBox.png Ancient Pig's Loot

Box Drop List

VikaBox.png Ancient Pig's Loot

2x Option Change Stone.png Option Change Stone
2x Number Change Stone.png Number Change Stone
3x Backup Disk.png Backup Disk
4x Random Reinforced DigiClone Cube.png Reinforced DigiClone Cube
1x Chipset Box.png Random Chipset Box [R12]
1x Chipset Box.png Random Chipset Box [R13]
1x Memory Capsule Attack CB.png Skill Memory Capsule [Attack]
1x Memory Capsule Defense CB.png Skill Memory Capsule [Defense]
1x Memory Capsule Support CB.png Skill Memory Capsule [Support]