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Rank: A
Form: Mega
Attribute: Vaccine: strong against Virus - weak against Data Vaccine
Element: Land: is strong against Wind (× 25) - weak against Wood (× -25) - somewhat strong against Land(× 10) Land
Attacker Type: Short Attacker
Type: Ancient Digimon
Family: Unknown Icon.png Unknown
Digivolved from: Piccolomon

Jijimon is an Ancient Digimon that resembles an old man that is said to have existed since the dawn of the Digital World. "Jiji" comes from the Japanese for old man. As his existence is as long as anyone from the Digital World can remember, he is a wise and intelligent Digimon who is said to know everything about the Digital World and protects those weaker than himself, though he rarely fights. For some reasons, it is believed that he can summon humans to the Digital World in times of crisis.


Gomamon Icon.png 8594.png Mojyamon Icon.png 8594.png Piximon Icon.png 8594.png Jijimon Icon.png

Default Stats

Exclamation Mark.png Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 120

Digimon Status.png

DGStats.png Digimon Stats
HP1.png Health Points 3966
DS1.png Digi-Soul 1568
AT1.png Attack 1012
AS1.png Attack Speed 1.9
CT1.png Critical Hit 20.67%
HT1.png Hit Rate 500
DE1.png Defense 114
EV1.png Evade 25.2%


Skill Status.png
Hang on Death Land Land attribute 4.3 seconds cooldown 76 DS consumed skill points per upgrade seconds animation
  Speeds up temporarily the internal time of Digimons with evil hearts to age their senses and power.
Guide Stick

Land Land attribute

6.9 seconds cooldown 159 DS consumed skill points per upgrade seconds animation
Binds and damages opponents with the dark force infused in its staff.

Info.png Note: Value Point gives you a rough sketch of best skill to max (Higher the better)

Attack per lvl Lv.1 Lv.10 Lv.15 Lv.20 Lv.25 Value Point
Hang on Death.png Hang on Death 108 2479 3451 3991 4531 5071 6.28
Guide Stick.png Guide Stick 155 4395 5790 6565 7340 8115 7.49
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
Hang on Death.png Hang on Death 2479 2587 2695 2803 2911 3019 3127 3235 3343 3451 3559 3667 3775 3883 3991 4099 4207 4315 4423 4531 4639 4747 4855 4963 5071
Guide Stick.png Guide Stick 4395 4550 4705 4860 5015 5170 5325 5480 5635 5790 5945 6100 6255 6410 6565 6720 6875 7030 7185 7340 7495 7650 7805 7960 8115