Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi

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Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi

(泉 光子郎 Izumi Kōshirō)


Izzy is a computer expert and spends a large fraction of his time trying to figure stuff out on his "PiBook" laptop. Izzy lives with his adopted parents. When he initially found out that he was adopted, he began to subconsciously distant himself from his parents and focusing on his computer. The issue is resolved when his parents come forward with the truth and he accepts them as his true parents.

Izzy has black eyes, he wears an orange shirt, green shorts, yellow gloves, green socks, and purple and gray shoes with a lightning bolt on them. Izzy has short red spiky hair.

  • Game description about Izzy:

The boy who loves computer so much that he always brings his own laptaop. He has so much intellecutal curiosity so that he can solve problems if he focuses on. Sometimes, his concentration on one thing makes others get mad, but he is a nice boy anyway.

HP Health Points 100
DS Digi-Soul 90
DE Defense 1
AT Attack 8
Analysis Izzy.png Analysis 3 Minutes cooldown
Increase the Digimon's Critical Damage by 150% for 7 seconds. (Special thanks to Ed_Le_Toggaf for the information.)
  • Passive Skills

Izzy's Knowledge.png Izzy's Knowledge

AT 5% increased for Unknown Attribute.png Unknown Attribute Digimon.

Izzy's Knowledge.png Izzy's Knowledge

HP 10% increased for Virus.png Virus Attribute Digimon.

Tamer Izzy.png This item is needed to change your current tamer to Izzy.